Full Sun Farm
Last Updated On: febrero 21st, 2025 at 09:03AM MST
Contact information
Farm Address:90 Bald Creek Rd.
Leicester, North Carolina, 28748
Primary Contact: Alex Brown
Secondary Contact: Vanessa Campbell
Primary Phone:
Type: Cell
Number: 828-712-2477
Email: fullsunfarm@gmail.com
Secondary Phone
Type: -----
Number: 828-713 1077
Website: http://www.fullsunfarm.com
Internship information
General Farm Description: Full Sun Farm is located outside of Asheville in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Since 1997, we have been growing vegetables, cut flowers and berries on about 6 acres of our most level land. We sell our produce and flowers at local farmers markets, through our CSA and do a small amount of wholesale. We have used and continue to use organic and regenerative farming methods, since 1997.CRAFT Member Farm? Yes
Internship Starts: March-May 2024
Internship Ends: 11/1/2024
Number of Internship Available: 3
Application Deadline: rolling
Minimum Length of Stay: 6 months
Internship Details:
Working at Full Sun Farm can be an immersive farming experience. You live and work on the farm, seeing it in all weathers, all lights and moods. Skills you will learn and jobs you’ll do include field observation, greenhouse work, planting, cultivating and harvesting of vegetables and cut flowers, insect and disease management, machine maintenance and repair, irrigation, season extension, efficient systems set-up and work methods, work with CSA members and other volunteers, selling at farmer’s markets and marketing. You will also live and work with up to three other apprentices, sharing mid-day meals, farm jobs, and a bathroom!
Most days we work side by side with our interns and are always available to answer questions and explain the why and hows of our operation. Please check out our website site for lots more details and our application.
We are looking for experienced farm hands to either commute to the farm or live on site. Pay depends on experience, but starts at $10/hour with housing, $15/hour without housing. Couples welcome to apply.
Educational Opportunities: Weekly field walks to observe and discuss specific field and crop conditions, projects for the day and week, and the general big picture of farm, extensive on-farm library, local farm visits, small garden plots for intern experimentation, CRAFT members
Skills Desired: We are looking for people who are enthusiastic about working outside and serious about learning about farming. Your main farm tool is your body and you must enjoy physical work in all kinds of weather and being tired and, likely, dirty at the end of the day. Experience with doing strenuous physical work is a big plus, as well as having worked in a fast paced environment. Interns who have a sense of humor, a positive outlook, good communication skills, who enjoy the challenge of paying attention to details while working quickly and efficiently and are engaged enough to ask questions will get the most out of this internship. We are in a rural mountainous area with narrow winding roads, 45 minutes from downtown Asheville. You will need a car for transportation.
Meals: We provide food from the farm for interns and an 1.5 hour lunch break.
Stipend: The stipend starts at $1600/month and includes housing in a sweet cabin next to a pond and food from the farm; monthly raises, 40-45hr work week with Sundays and most Saturdays off, weekly yoga classes and one week paid vacation. Season end bonus is based on performance and skill mastery.
Housing: Shared 2 bedroom house with kitchen and bath, 2-room rustic cabin with electricity and insulation
Preferred method of Contact: Email