Oxheart Farm
Last Updated On: enero 6th, 2025 at 10:41AM MST
Contact information
Farm Address:W7902 290th Ave
Hager City, Wisconsin, 54014
Primary Contact: Cella Langer
Secondary Contact: Emmet Fisher
Primary Phone:
Type: Cell
Number: 651-380-6988
Email: oxheartfarm@gmail.com
Website: https://www.oxheartfarm.com
Internship information
General Farm Description: The 2025 growing season is our 13th season in production. We raise vegetables for 80 CSA members who all pick up on the farm through our free-choice, market-style CSA from June-December. We rotationally graze beef cattle and seven dairy cows, which we milk for our on-farm Grade A Dairy plant. Most of the meat, milk, yogurt and ice cream we produce are sold through our CSA year round, and we also sell the dairy through a couple small wholesale channels. We value feeding our community and our own family as much as possible from the farm through as much of the year as possible. Our farming model is built on a belief in diversity, small-scale production, self reliance, and minimal inputs. We follow organic practices in all of our enterprises, though we are not certified organic. The farm is not only our living but our way of life, so we work hard while maintaining quality of life in the decisions we make. We have a young family and both work full time on the farm.CRAFT Member Farm? No
Internship Starts: May 2025, September 2025
Internship Ends: July 2025, November 2025
Number of Internship Available: 3
Application Deadline: These positions are open until filled. Please email us a resume, an informal letter of interest, and 2-3 references. Specify which position(s) you are applying for. An in-person working interview will be required for candidates to be considered for the farm assistant position.
Minimum Length of Stay: 6 weeks for internships, 1 year for farm assistant position
Internship Details:
We are currently seeking candidates for three different positions.
Planting intern
This position is five days a week from May to July, with work focused on seeding and transplanting crops, maintaining seedlings in our propagation greenhouse, weeding, and some early summer harvest for CSA.
Harvest intern
This position is five days a week from September to November, with work focused on harvest, washing and packing of storage crops, wrapping up summer crops and preparing fields for winter cover crops.
Both internship positions have an opportunity to include work with the dairy herd and livestock as well, if the candidate is interested. Our ideal candidate for the internships will be someone who has a plan or strong desire to start their own operation, and wishes to add to or hone their skillset before launching on their own. A person who is eager to learn and absorb information will benefit most from this position.
Year round farm assistant
This position is one 8-10 hour day per week for the whole year, minus two weeks off the farm as needed. Work with us on the farm in CSA harvest and wash/pack, milking and associated cleanup, feeding and fencing livestock, farm infrastructure projects, and planting/weeding/maintenance of vegetable crops.
Work will include a morning of independent milking and chores, in addition to solo projects in particular areas of interest/skill. Otherwise, one or both of us will work alongside you whenever possible. Farming is somewhat repetitive by nature, but we believe that our operation is diverse enough to offer a wide variation of tasks to keep you engaged and interested– this position is not “the weeder” or “the box packer”– if interested, you will get to participate in many areas of farm work.
Our ideal candidate for the year round position would be someone who lives in the area who may be interested in working for us for years to come (this is not a requirement but rather a desired outcome if it is a good fit for all of us). This job is for someone who wants to be involved in all aspects of a diverse farm on an ongoing basis, while also maintaining a life and work elsewhere.
Educational Opportunities: We have completed the Land Stewardship Project's (LSP) Farm Beginnings and Journeyperson courses, as well as two of Marbleseed's farmer to farmer mentorships. Along with sharing as much about our farming experience and activities as you're interested in hearing about, we are also happy to share any information we have taken from these more formal educational opportunities. There are also field days and workshops during the growing season through LSP, Marbleseed and the Wisconsin Farmers Union which you are welcomed and encouraged to attend if there are topics of interest.
Skills Desired: This is a fast-paced and physically demanding job and the ability to lift heavy things repeatedly, move quickly for long periods of time, and walk a fair amount is important. Skills that are not required but of interest to us are experience or comfort with large animals, some type of vegetable experience such as farming or gardening, some involvement in/familiarity with food production systems such as local food focused nonprofits or restaurants, farmers markets, etc. Above all, we seek hard working individuals with a strong interest in learning about farming and food production on a small-scale, diverse family farm and a motivation to engage in the work here.
Meals: Yes
Stipend: Both Planting and Harvest internships pay $1,000/month. Compensation also includes a room in our farmhouse with private bath and kitchenette, and all meals. Start and end dates are flexible based on the candidate's schedule. We are open to splitting or expanding this position for a couple. Our year round farm assistant position pays $18-20/hr., depending on experience. Ample vegetables and dairy from the farm are also included. Lunch will be provided for every farm work day. This position can begin as soon as March, 2025.
Housing: Yes, for internships only
Preferred method of Contact: Email