Sunfield Farm
Last Updated On: febrero 25th, 2025 at 12:45PM MST
Contact information
Farm Address:111 Sunfield Ln
Sunfield Farm and Waldorf School
Port Hadlock, Washington, 98339
Primary Contact: Chris Reynolds
Primary Phone:
Type: Cell
Number: 3608219333
Internship information
General Farm Description: Sunfield Biodynamic Farm and Waldorf School encompasses 81 acres of the Chimacum watershed located in Port Hadlock, Washington, USA (on the Northeast corner of the Olympic Peninsula.) The climate is maritime and temperate with wet, mild winters, and dry sunny summers. The farm consists of a 5 acre school campus and gardens held by 42 acres of fields and pasture, 8 acres of wetlands, and 26 acres of forest. The farm is Integrated with the pre-K-8th grade Waldorf school and its primary objective is to provide immersive educational experiences for students and community that are grounded in the practical tasks and seasonal rhythms of agricultural and ecological stewardship. As a Demeter-certified biodynamic farm, Sunfield is conceived of and related to as a self-contained organism–an agricultural individual whose life emerges from the interweaving activities of the many beings who inhabit, work, or pass through its boundaries. Farmers, interns, teachers, students, community members, and visitors work in partnership with the animal, plant, and soil communities throughout the course of the seasons. 1-2 acres are cultivated every year for the annual production of vegetables, grains, flowers, herbs, & seed. There is a perennial garden, a basketry willow coppice, roughly 1 acre of young apple trees, 1 acre of young hazelnuts, 1 acre of young u-pick blueberries and raspberries, and multiple hedgerow planting. Two hives of bees. The pastures are maintained with rotational grazing of beef cattle, fiber sheep, dairy goats, and laying hens. Bringing in hay is an event every summer as is making compost. Biodynamics ( offers a healing and truly regenerative vision of agriculture that stands in contrast to the one-sided view of agriculture as predominantly extractive. While farms feed us, Biodynamic concepts and practices reveal how we can feed farms (without imported fertilizers). Working rhythmically to enhance the farm’s relationship with the formative forces of the Earth below, the surrounding Cosmos above (Sun, Moon, Planets, & Zodiac), Biodynamic practices work synergistically to nurture the vital forces of the farm. Compost, biodynamic preparations, crop and animal rotation, cover crops, and thoughtful tillage are used to invigorate the life of the soil and cultivate a harmonious atmosphere–the aim is the production of high-quality nourishing food and a healthful environment.CRAFT Member Farm? No
Internship Starts: Year round
Internship Ends: Year round
Number of Internship Available: 3
Application Deadline: none
Minimum Length of Stay: 3 months
Internship Details:
Agricultural work is physically demanding but immensely rewarding. It opens the senses and awakens keen observation skills. It enlivens thinking and brings one into direct relationship with the foundations of human existence. It is mundane and profound. Agricultural experiences help one more truly stand on the Earth or lie under the Stars. Paying attention will pay you back! Above all, it is nourishing and healing work that will feed your whole being.
Interns will be involved in all aspects of the farm and will work alongside other interns, the farm manager, and the farm educator. Interns will learn from these skilled and dedicated mentors and divide their time between the needs of the farm and assisting in farm education programming. This includes all aspects of annual vegetable production (from seed to seed), care of perennials (pruning, mulching, & irrigation), pasture and animal husbandry. Daily animal chores are a major aspect of the internship. Interns also have the opportunity to participate in designing educational experiences and delivering high quality farm and outdoor education for different ages.
Hours will fluctuate depending on season but will average 30 hours per week. Evening work is required 1-2 days per week. Midday we generally don’t work in the fields and gardens. Instead this is time for weekly lectures and question/answer sessions, tours of nearby farms, or forest walks. If they choose, interns will also be provided with a personal garden plot to tend in their free time. Interns are welcome to join in seasonal community festivals on the land and other happenings (wood fired pizza parties, spoon carving, and willow basketry.)
The ability to pass a background check and a desire to work with children is a must. We are in a very active and thriving farming community near Port Townsend, and are at the doorstep to Olympic National Park. Extra curricular activities abound! This internship is rich in opportunities that beckon individuals striving for a regenerative agriculture, social renewal, and above all, knowledge of Self.
Educational Opportunities: Sunfield is also known as “The Land for Learning.” It is operated by Sunfield Education Association–a non-profit with the mission: to steward, to educate, and to serve. Education is the primary focus at Sunfield Farm and Waldorf School, and we are committed to providing a holistic balance of education and work experience for all interns. Complementing the experiential learning in the fields, a weekly afternoon “class time” provides focused space to explore Biodynamics concepts, farming basics, and visit other local farms, or take a deeper study of Anthroposophy. ( For those interested, this internship will also prepare participants for a career in farm education, place based education, or outdoor education. The farmer educator, a veteran Waldorf teacher who founded the school, will mentor interns and work with each to develop their teaching skills in the outdoor class setting.
Skills Desired: Those interested in Biodynamics or Waldorf education are encouraged to apply. Attitude is everything. An interest to learn, work hard, and try your best is all we ask. Communal living and any teaching or farming experience is also a plus. Applicants should be physically able to perform most farming tasks.
Meals: Interns are responsible for their own meals.
Stipend: Modest stiped of $250/month
Housing: Yes. Interns live communally on site in the three-bedroom farmhouse. The house has a kitchen, dining room, living room, woodstove, shower, laundry, & bathroom.
Preferred method of Contact: email or phone