The Good Farm LLC
Last Updated On: febrero 25th, 2025 at 12:39PM MST
Contact information
Farm Address:8112 Church Road
Germansville, Pennsylvania, 18053
Primary Contact: Aimee Good
Secondary Contact: John Good
Primary Phone:
Type: Cell
Number: 484-553-9455
Secondary Phone
Type: -----
Number: 484-262-0675
Internship information
General Farm Description: The Good Farm is an 18 acre family farm raising certified organic produce for a 250 member traditional CSA, offering both on-farm pickup and delivery to 7 pickup sites in the surrounding community. We provide a diverse weekly share from June - November, with many extra share options, and a small on-farm store and Upick garden. Over 70% of members return every year, which is the primary metric of a successful CSA program. All produce for the CSA shares is grown on the farm, primarily field-grown, with 2 high tunnels for season extension. Extra shares such as eggs, cheese, mushrooms, coffee, and fruit are provided by our local farmers and producers. With over 20 years of experience, farmers John and Aimee Good are committed to training farm apprentices in all aspects of production and running a farm business. Several former apprentices are now operating successful farms of their own, and others are working in the agriculture industry.CRAFT Member Farm? Yes
Internship Starts: April 1-May 1
Internship Ends: Oct 31- November 7
Number of Internship Available: 3
Application Deadline: Rolling
Minimum Length of Stay: 3 months
Internship Details:
Full- season (April 1 – November 7) and summer positions are available. Education is provided through on-farm training and participation in regional farmer training workshops. Farm vegetables are provided. The full-season wage starts at $14/hr, (more with experience) paid biweekly. Housing and meals are on-your-own.
We keep a regular schedule of 5 days per week, 8 hours a day, with 1 hour for lunch. Work involves planting, weeding, harvesting, washing, and crop production tasks, as well as washing, packing, and boxing vegetables for CSA distribution. We generally work as a team, so that large tasks are finished quickly, with better learning opportunities, and more fun!
Applicants should be physically fit, self-motivated, and work well in groups. A person who enjoys the outdoors, is willing to work in extreme conditions, and has an interest in sustainable agriculture will be most suited to the apprenticeship. Farm experience is not necessary, but a positive attitude, willingness to work hard, and a sense of humor is essential!
John and Aimee have been teaching interns for over 20 years, and several former apprentices are now running successful farms of their own, or working in the industry. All farm interns receive a workbook with complete crop plans, including field plans, greenhouse plans, planting schedules and more. Interns also receive an Employee Manual which details all major task responsibilities, as well as expectations for tasks/conduct. Each intern rotates through one of the primary jobs weekly, including wash/pack management, greenhouse management, etc. in order to learn all skills on the farm. Each intern is also provided the opportunity to learn a tractor job, and the skills learned increase with time spent on the farm.
Interested applicants should submit a resume, 2 character references and 2 professional references to Aimee Good. Further, all serious applicants will be asked to complete our apprentice application, which is available on our website. A farm visit is required as part of the interview process.
Additional information on the job description is available at:
Educational Opportunities: Education is provided through on-farm instruction, and participation in regional farmer training workshops through PASA. All farm interns receive Good Farm Crop Plans workbook and our Employee Manual, the basic outline of the entire production schedule and plans of that season, as well as guides to most tasks on the farm. Each intern will rotate through each position, and including wash/pack, greenhouse management, scouting & spraying, etc. as well as learn one tractor job per season. At least one farmer works with the crew most of the time, to ensure that all tasks are learned and completed correctly and efficiently, and to provide further opportunities for teaching and instruction. Hand-weeding is our favorite time for farmer talks on pest and disease control, cultivation and tillage, planting and seeding methods, farm goals and philosophy, etc. Farmers John and Aimee Good believe that the future of sustainable agriculture is dependent on education and the exchange of information, and most importantly, the training of future farmers. After all, these farmers began their career as apprentices at organic vegetable CSA farms.
Skills Desired: Farm experience is not required, but starting wage is commensurate with experience. Applicants should be physically fit, self-motivated, and work well in groups. A person who enjoys the outdoors, is willing to work in extreme conditions, and has an interest in sustainable agriculture will be most suited to the apprenticeship. Farm experience is not necessary, but a positive attitude, willingness to work hard, ability to follow directions, and a sense of humor is essential!
Meals: Meals are on-your-own, but farm vegetables are provided, as well as an employee discount on all the local foods in our farm store.
Stipend: Yes, full-season interns start at $14/hr, paid biweekly. Higher wage is possible with experience. Summer interns start at $12-$13/hr, based on experience.
Housing: Housing is not provided, but we do provide assistance in locating affordable local housing.
Preferred method of Contact: email