ATTRA Internship Hub

Find an Internship

Browse the map below to find a particular internship opportunity, or use the advanced search to narrow your results even more.
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Recruit an Intern

Are you a farmer looking to post an internship to the interactive map below?
Please follow me →


To create a new internship listing, go to the Post an Internship page.

To edit your internship listing, login to your account and follow the My Internships link in your dashboard. Click the pencil icon on the right.


  • The chain icon leads to your listing as internship seekers will see it
  • The pencil icon allows you to edit your listing
  • The trash icon deletes your listing. Use with caution as this is permanent!

This probably means you haven’t created an account. To do so, please follow these steps:

  • First, go to the registration page and enter your email address
  • Enter your Username and Email
  • Follow the instructions we sent to your email inbox

We’ve removed many duplicate and old internship listings. If you can’t find yours and you’d like to renew it, please register for an account (if you haven’t already) and reach out to our support team. For faster service, please include your username and the name of your farm in the email.

To save a draft when creating or editing a listing, click the Save Draft button at the bottom of the form. When you come back to continue editing the draft, login and follow the My Internships link in your dashboard, then select the Draft tab and click the pencil icon.

There are two ways to remove your listing from the active areas, one that is permanent and one that will allow you to reuse the listing later. To permanently delete the listing, login and go to the My Internships page and then click the garbage-can icon. If your position has been filled for the season, but you want keep it for next year, simply click the pencil icon and find the Save Draft button. When you want to update/post/re-enable your listing on the site, login and go to the draft tab on the My Internships page and click the pencil icon.

Post Your Internship Opportunity

NOTE: All internship submissions are reviewed before being posted to the website. This ensures clarity and good user experience. We post new internships every weekday morning. If you post over the weekend, it’ll be added on Monday. Thanks for your patience and for using our service.

The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) provides these listings only as a public service to the sustainable agriculture community and no recommendation of an organization posting a position on this site (other than NCAT’s own postings) is expressed or implied by NCAT or its Sustainable Agriculture Project. All listings on this site are posted by farms, non-profit organizations and other organizations offering internships to the public. NCAT makes no claims concerning the content, accuracy, suitability, intent, comprehensiveness, or availability of the positions posted. It is the responsibility of the prospective intern to take all necessary precautions when interviewing for or accepting positions. NCAT encourages all prospective interns to obtain as much information as possible about the farm or organization offering the internship before accepting any internship or apprenticeship offer. NCAT is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of the positions offered on this website.It is the responsibility of the farm or organization offering internships to be aware of federal and state labor laws related to such positions, and any complaints concerning these matters should be directed to the proper state or federal authority or to a sponsoring educational institution if applicable.