Ag Library Intern (Remote) – SolarSPELL

Contact information
Farm Address:
800 Cady Mall
Tempe , Arizona, 85281

Primary Contact: Cassandra Barrett
Primary Phone:
    Number: 5617795828



Internship information
General Farm Description: Support famers from around the world in the comfort of your own home! SolarSPELL is an Arizona State University education initiative that is providing agricultural and farming content to under-resourced communities around the globe, including Rwanda, Madagascar, and South Sudan. Interns will be finding and curating localized content for farmers around the globe!

CRAFT Member Farm? No

Internship Starts: August 21st 2024
Internship Ends: December 13th 2024
Number of Internship Available: 5
Application Deadline: July 31st
Minimum Length of Stay: n/a

Internship Details:


Position: Agricultural Library Intern

Organization: ASU SolarSPELL Initiative (Solar Powered Educational Learning Library)

Location: Tempe and/or Remote

Type of internship: For credit or non-paid; approximately 10 hours per week

Application deadline: July 31, 2024 applications will continue to be accepted and reviewed until the position is filled.


Start date: August 21, 2024


SolarSPELL is seeking interns who are passionate about agriculture to research and curate regionally-relevant, open access, educational content for SolarSPELL’s Agriculture Library. New interns will build upon library development established by previous student teams. The agriculture library has a focus on content regarding climate change adaptations for small scale subsistence farmers in regions around the world such as Zimbabwe and Rwanda. A background in small-scale agriculture of crops such as coffee, corn, climate change impacts, and animal husbandry will be necessary for research and content curation.

SolarSPELL is a global educational initiative at Arizona State University that combines solar-powered technology, relevant content, and local capacity building. We work to build internet-ready skills and improve educational opportunities around the world. Our offline digital library is designed to bring educational content to resource-constrained locations that may lack electricity, internet connectivity, and/or traditional libraries. The SolarSPELL library emits an offline WiFi hotspot, to which any WiFi capable device (smartphones, tablets, laptops) can connect and freely surf thousands of resources that are carefully curated and continually improved to meet local information needs. 

More information on SolarSPELL can be found here:  

This internship offers an exciting opportunity to contribute to improving the quality of farming information available to students, farmers, and agricultural extension workers around the world, whose regions may lack electricity and/or access to the internet. Your contributions will be brought to the field and used by farmers and agricultural extension workers, potentially within months of your internship! 

Interns will be expected to attend an orientation session and content curation training workshop at the beginning of the semester, and weekly virtual check-ins throughout the semester. Ideal candidates will be detail-oriented, proactive in their content curation tasks, and have a desire to work for a department that serves communities from all over the world.


Internship duties will include:

  • Curating locally-relevant content to the region, including topics like conservation agriculture and climate change.
  • Contribute to general library development through research, library testing, and other tasks as interested

Other general tasks may include:

  • Feedback on current user interface and library organization/navigation
  • Metadata work, including tagging and organizing of content within the library database
  • General research on regions and countries of implementation
  • Checking content websites we regularly curate from for any new content


  • Detail oriented and reliable; a strong and honest work ethic motivates you
  • Globally minded; you have a desire to work for a department that serves communities from all over the world
  • Background knowledge and/or experience with agricultural practices

How to apply: If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit a resume and cover letter to Cassie Barrett at All documents should be in PDF format and follow the naming style of [LastName_FirstName_DesiredPosition]

Educational Opportunities: Learn more about the process of curating solar-powered digital libraries that reach communities around the world.

Skills Desired: Knowledge about farming and agricultural practices.

Meals: If interns come to the office in-person, coffee and snacks are provided.

Stipend: No; this is a remote position.

Housing: No.

Preferred method of Contact: email