Cereal rye cover crop

Results Available from Cereal Rye and Triticale Variety Trial

Practical Farmers of Iowa published the results of a cereal rye and triticale variety trial conducted in 2024 at four Iowa State University research farms. This was the sixth year of the trials at two of the participating sites, and average cereal rye yield was 89 bu/ac this year, higher than any previous year. Specifically, this research found that the hybrid cereal rye varieties Serafino and Receptor were among the three highest yielding varieties at all four sites. Other high yielding rye varieties included SU Performer, SU Cossani, and Tayo. Tulus (triticale) and SU Bebop (new this year) were the top yielding open-pollinated varieties across all sites. Detailed information on the trials is available online.