Report Explores Climate Change Risks in Cereals Production and Trade Flows

A new report from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy provides an analysis of how current and projected climate change risks are affecting production and trade by the major cereal producers, exporters, and importers in international markets. Addressing Climate Change Risks in Import Dependent and Major Food Producing Countries notes that climate studies indicate climate-related disruptions for cereals production in all regions, subject to variations. In addition, the report says rice production is particularly vulnerable to climate change, and in the long run, wheat will also experience declines, forcing the relocation of production to higher elevation or the farming of alternative crops. The study also indicates that food policy should support dietary diversity, to counteract over-reliance on just three cereal grains. The report recommends reducing food waste, improving production, adopting agroecological production systems, and country- and crop-specific studies to inform policy.