Research Project Focuses on Biodegradable Polymer Film Development

A team of scientists has begun a project to develop composite nutrient-containing degradable polymers for mulch films. Researchers from Lehigh University; the University of Massachusetts Lowell; USDA Agricultural Research Service in Maricopa, Arizona; and Ben Gurion University in Israel received funding from USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture for a multi-year project. “Our work with urea cocrystals that provide a convenient vehicle of nutrient delivery into degradable polymers aims to develop sustainable solutions for agricultural practices,” project leader Jonas Baltrusaitis explains. “Traditional plastic mulch films have a detrimental impact on the environment. By developing biodegradable alternatives, we can help reduce plastic pollution, improve soil health, and promote sustainable farming practices.” The team is working to obtain a balance between biodegradability and durability for a range of soil and climate conditions, as well as an affordable product.