Dragonfly Farms

Contact information
Farm Address:
3230 Ellisville Dr
Louisa, Virginia, 23093

Primary Contact: Bruce Johnson
Primary Phone:
    Number: 804.512.9944
    Email: bruce@dragonflyfarms.com

Website: https://www.dragonflyfarms.com

Internship information
General Farm Description: We are a regenerative grazing operation, producing and selling grassfed beef and lamb, raising everything from birth to butcher. We are grazing 600+ acres with 140 cows and 100 ewes. We are growing our business.

CRAFT Member Farm? No

Internship Starts: early spring
Internship Ends: fall or winter
Number of Internship Available: 1
Application Deadline: ongoing
Minimum Length of Stay: 3 months

Internship Details:

Come be a part of our small, excellent team for this year’s growing season. Learn and be a part of great grazing management and grass type cattle and sheep genetics. We are lambing in spring and calving in fall. We move herds frequently, normally daily. We are grass finishing steers and selling bred cows. We have been doing this for 17 years and one of the owners is a veterinarian, so there’s a lot of experience to learn from.

Educational Opportunities: yes

Skills Desired: some farm experience is helpful

Meals: no

Stipend: yes, housing plus $200/week

Housing: yes

Preferred method of Contact: email