Intern – Living Soil Network

Contact information
Farm Address:
119 Parrott St.
Palermo Maine
South Portland , Maine, 04106

Primary Contact: spero latchis
Secondary Contact: robin jameson

Primary Phone:
    Number: 207 299 2738

Secondary Phone
    Number: 207 420 5271


Internship information
General Farm Description: Palermo Maine- Expansion of existing farm. This is a demonstration farm for Living Soil Network. We are a Maine non profit dedicated to demonstrating the economic viability of the soil food web approach to farming. The farm is small, about an acre , with a nearby busy farm stand for selling produce.

CRAFT Member Farm? No

Internship Starts: May 1, 2025
Internship Ends: Sept 30, 2025
Number of Internship Available: 1
Application Deadline: April 20
Minimum Length of Stay: 5 months

Internship Details:

Intern will work to expand existing farm using the no till /organic methods as taught in Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Soil Food Web School. Intern will work under the direction of experienced certified soil health consultants. Emphasis will be on microbial  soil restoration practices this first year. Intern will be responsible for taking soil samples, learning how to make compost extracts and compost teas as well as performing typical farm duties, such as planting, weeding, irrigation, harvesting, using perennial cover plants, etc.

Educational Opportunities: learn Soil Food Web approach to soil ecosystem restoration.

Skills Desired: no, but familiarity with basic soil food web school approach is a plus

Meals: yes

Stipend: yes

Housing: yes

Preferred method of Contact: email