Entries by Rich Myers

Episode 323. Potassium from Past to Present

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Nina Prater and her husband, Jeremy Prater – a cattle and meat goat farmer – explore the science and history of potassium. Potassium fertilizer prices have increased 45 percent in the past few years over the historical average, and finding ways to reduce […]

Episode 322. Connecting a Farmers Market and a Community

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Omar Rodriguez talks with his NCAT colleague Local Foods Specialist Molly Kirkham. Molly, who also manages the Dillon Farmers’ Market in Dillon, Montana, gives us a glimpse into the work required to make a farmers market operate smoothly and function as a place […]

Episode 321. Meet NCAT: Tyler Jenkins on Carbon Farm Planning

In this episode of Voices from the Field, we get to know one of our newest NCAT employees, Tyler Jenkins. Tyler is joining the NCAT team as a Carbon Farm Planner and will be working on our “Building Soil, Building Equity” project, as well as contributing to the ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture program. NCAT Sustainable Agriculture […]

Episode 320. She’s Raising Sheep: Dr. Kathy Soder of Pennsylvania, Part 2

This episode of Voices from the Field continues a conversation between NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Linda Poole and Dr. Kathy Soder, who runs 125 Dorset ewes on 96 acres in Pennsylvania with her husband Ken and son Nathan. They cover a variety of issues, including predators, parasites, and profits in the discussion, which is part […]

Episode 319. She’s Raising Sheep: Dr. Kathy Soder of Pennsylvania, Part 1

This episode of Voices from the Field continues ATTRA’s ongoing podcast series “She’s Raising Sheep.” In a conversation with NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Linda Poole, Dr. Kathy Soder discusses building a healthy, profitable flock of sheep no matter where you farm. Kathy, an animal scientist and ruminant nutritionist with decades of experience raising sheep in […]

Episode 318. Local Foods Directory Helps Find Farmers Markets, Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist and Montana Farmers Market Network Manager Tammy Howard talks with Erin Austin of the Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO) about its online Abundant Montana platform. Erin is the Director of Community Partners and Sales at AERO and Abundant Montana. She talks with Tammy […]

Carbon Farm and Ranch Planning in Texas

In this introductory webinar, NCAT and the Carbon Cycle Institute talk about what Carbon Farm and Ranch Planning is and what it looks like across the Texas landscape. If you are a producer, landowner, or agricultural technical assistance provider, then this webinar is for you. This webinar was made possible by the Meadows Foundation and […]

Regenerating Damaged Soils on an Urban Farm

In this video, we head to Garcia Street Farm, an urban farm in San Antonio, Texas, to learn about regenerating damaged soils in urban areas. Urban farms often contend with issues such as compacted soil, debris, low organic matter, stubborn grass weeds from surrounding lawns, and lack of biodiversity for insect control. In this video, […]