Entries by Tracy Mumma

Oregon State University Releases Mild Habanero Peppers

Oregon State University has developed two new habanero pepper varieties that deliver the food’s signature flavor without the heat. Vegetable breeder Jim Myers spent 25 years developing ‘Notta Hotta’ and ‘Mild Thing.’ Oregon State University officials are ready to work with seed companies to license the peppers, and Myers anticipates that growers will be able […]

Biodiverse Plant Genotype Mixes Help Protect Crops from Insect Damage

Researchers at the University of Zurich published the results of a comprehensive field study showing that crop damage from plant-eating insects can be reduced by utilizing biodiversity within a plant species. Scientists already recognized that when different genetic types of the same plant species are mixed and planted together, some combinations are more resistant to […]

Global Centers Competition Invests in Bioeconomy Research

The U.S. National Science Foundation and partner agencies in the U.S., Canada, Finland, Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), and the United Kingdom announced funding awards totaling nearly $82 million in their Global Centers competition. The 2024 Global Centers awards focus on advancing bioeconomy research to solve global challenges, whether by increasing crop resilience, converting plant […]

Organic Agriculture Highlights of National Ag Census Available

USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service has released a two-page highlights publication, Organic Agriculture, with data from the 2022 Census of Agriculture. The publication shows significant growth in organic product sales compared to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, but it also reveals a drop in the number of organic producers over that time period and a […]

Forest Farming Publication Updated by National Agroforestry Center

USDA’s National Agroforestry Center recently updated its Agroforestry Note 7, Forest Farming: An Agroforestry Practice. The free, 12-page publication focuses on the production and management of herbaceous, understory nontimber forest products. It points out some of the benefits and limitations of forest farming and offers examples of nontimber forest products for culinary, medicinal, decorative, and […]

USDA Investing $7.7 Billion to Support Conservation Practices on Working Lands

USDA announced up to $7.7 billion in assistance for fiscal year 2025 to help agricultural and forestry producers adopt conservation practices on working lands. This includes up to $5.7 billion for climate-smart practices, made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act, and $2 billion in Farm Bill funding. USDA notes that this is more than double […]

USDA Announces Investment in Locally and Regionally Produced Food for Emergency Assistance

USDA has announced an investment of $1.7 billion for purchase of locally and regionally produced foods and domestically produced foods for emergency food assistance. These investments, made possible by the Commodity Credit Corporation, will help American producers by ensuring they have the certainty of access to local and regional markets as well as the financial […]

Targeted Grazing Can Help Manage Cheatgrass

A study by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) shows that targeted livestock grazing is a successful and cost-efficient method to manage cheatgrass in the U.S. western Great Plains. Early spring targeted grazing by cattle at just the right time can help limit seed production and reduce the competitiveness of […]

Transitional Production Plan Template to Help Livestock Producers Go Organic

USDA National Organic Program (NOP) posted a new Livestock Transitional Production Plan (TPP) template online. The template was developed under the Organic Transition Initiative’s Transition to Organic Partnership Program. The template helps livestock producers transitioning to organic production learn how to document their organic practices in preparation for completing the Organic System Plan required for […]

USDA and FFAR Recommend Three Projects for Innovation Challenge Funding

USDA and the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) announced three projects recommended for funding through the “Nourishing Next Generation Agrifood Breakthroughs” (Innovation Challenge). Columbia University will receive $500,000 to fund its partnership with the University of Puerto Rico to support historically underserved producers in Puerto Rico in cultivating climate-resilient and heritage rice with […]