hydroponic lettuce growing, with a hand holding a head of it in the foregroundPhoto by Preston Keres

Florida Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

Applications are due January 23, 2025. The Florida Department…
A chestnut and wheat alley cropping system in Missouri

Missouri Climate-Smart Fieldscapes

The sign-up period ends January 17, 2025. The Missouri Climate-Resilient…
A person picking peppers in the field and putting them into an open cooler.USDA Photo by Preston Keres

Empower Farmers Program

Applications are due by December 31, 2024. Practical Farmers…
orange flowers growing in a field with forest in the background and blue sky with clouds beyondUSDA

Vermont Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

Applications are due by January 8, 2025. The Vermont Agency…

Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant Program–Turnkey Grants

Applications are due by January 10, 2025. Patrick Leahy Farm…
silhouetted farmer walking through produce field carrying a toolUSDA NRCS

UC SAREP Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Small Grants Program

Proposals are due January 14, 2025. The UC Sustainable Agriculture…
School cafeteria fruit bar.USDA

Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant Program–State Agency

Applications close January 10, 2025. This RFA is one of three…
person working with hand tools in garden in the foreground, against a cityscape of tall buildings on the horizonUSDA

Minnesota Urban Agriculture Grants

Applications are due by January 30, 2025. The Minnesota Department…
squash plants in the foreground with brick buildings behind, under blue sky with clouds(USDA/FPAC photo by Preston Keres)

People’s Garden Initiative

Applications are due by January 30, 2025. As part of the National…