four photo depicting various stages of soil health
Project Field Day
soil moisture probe

Tracking Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration: The Satellites Are Coming!

By Mike Morris, NCAT Southwest Regional Office Director  A…
closeup of hand holding rich soil with earthworms
estiércol de oveja

Safe to Fail Trials with Graeme Hand

In this webinar, Australian rancher Graeme Hand explains to Soil…

Healthy Soil for a Wealthy Tomorrow

Jeremy Brown, a fourth-generation cotton farmer in the Texas panhandle, focuses on NRCS’s five soil health principles and uses common-sense practices, including cover cropping, to increase financial prosperity, decrease health stressors, and increase nutrient density in his soils.
Elise Haschke
Farmer Chris Hay, Say Hay Farms, inspecting compost prior to application by spreader.