Episode 315. Meet NCAT’s New Executive Director, Fred Bahnson
In this episode of Voices from the Field, we meet Fred Bahnson,…

LaTrael Brigham
LaTrael Brigham gained farming experience both as a child and…

Donetta Boykin
Donnetta Boykin, owner and operator of Endigo’s Herbals &…

Michael Stevens
Michael Stephens, an Army veteran, operates 5 A’s Veggies and…

Cetta Barnhart
Originally from Philadelphia, Cetta Barnhart became a transplant…

Kay Bell
Farming was something Kay Bell did not plan to do, but after…

Willard Tillman
Willard Tillman directs the Oklahoma Black Historical Research…

Shakera Raygoza
Shakera and Juan Raygoza started Terra Preta Farm in Edinburg,…

Ruiz Family
The Ruiz family operates a socially disadvantaged Hispanic/Latinx…

Precious Williams
Precious Williams is a farmer advocate and small-scale farmer…
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