dicot seedling with water droplet on one leaf, on a background of soil

Episode 164. Soil Sessions: Understanding Soil pH

In this episode, Nina Prater, a soil specialist with NCAT’s ATTRA sustainable-agriculture program, and NCAT’s Southeast Regional Director Margo Hale discuss soil pH. They cover the basics – why it’s important, how to measure pH, and how to best remedy soil acidity, which is a common concern in Arkansas where they live. They don’t discuss alkaline soils in as much depth because it is not Nina’s area of expertise. But as she points out, NCAT’s ATTRA program does have other specialists who can address that soil issue with farmers.

Margo is a livestock specialist, and she earned degrees in Animal Science and Agricultural & Extension Education without taking a single soil class, so Nina likes to get Margo caught up on all things soil-related. Margo and Nina both work out of NCAT’s Southeast Regional Office in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

And please take a few minutes to complete a survey when the podcast is done. We really value your feedback to help us make our podcasts better. The link is in the notes below.

For more information on this topic, contact Nina Prater directly at ninap@ncat.org and Margo Hale at margoh@ncat.org.

Please complete a brief survey to let us know your thoughts about the content of this podcast.

ATTRA Resources:

Voices from the Field: Soil Sessions. Interpreting a Soil Test

Voices from the Field: Soil Sessions. Soil Health and the Five Soil Health Principles

Soil Sampling: A Management Strategy

Soil Management: National Organic Program Regulations

Sustainable Soil Management

Nutrient Cycling in Pastures

Other Resources:

University of Arkansas Extension Service Limestone Quality Calculator

Natural Resources Conservation Service: Soil Quality – Agronomy Technical Note No. 8: Liming To Improve Soil Quality in Acid Soils

Please call ATTRA with any and all of your sustainable agriculture questions at 800-346-9140 or e-mail us at askanag@ncat.org. Our two dozen specialists can help you with a vast array of topics, everything from farm planning to pest management, from produce to livestock, and soils to aquaculture.

You can get in touch with NCAT/ATTRA specialists and find our other extensive, and free, sustainable-agriculture publications, webinars, videos, and other resources at NCAT/ATTRA’s website.

You can also stay in touch with NCAT at its Facebook page.