Golden Guernsey Goat Receives Title from British King

King Charles III has designated a blonde dairy goat breed of historical significance as the Royal Golden Guernsey Goat. The British King bestowed the royal title to call attention to the “at-risk” status of the rare breed and its history. The breed will now be formally known worldwide as the Royal Golden Guernsey Goat. The Rare Breeds Survival Trust Chief Executive Christopher Price said,”We are delighted that His Majesty is conferring this special title on this iconic native breed. It is a wonderful recognition of the Golden Guernsey’s cultural and historical significance as well as these goats’ value to biodiversity, to the environment and to sustainable food production. Golden Guernseys are really efficient milk producers, and the milk is great for making yogurt or cheese. The breed also excels in conservation grazing which supports biodiversity. Being choosey in what they eat, their grazing can provide very specific environmental benefits. We are extremely grateful to His Majesty for his continued, greatly valued support for British rare native livestock and equine breeds.”
Related ATTRA blog: Dairy Goats for the Farm