CSG at Genesis Farm

Contact information
Farm Address:
41B Silver Lake Road
Blairstown, New Jersey, 07825

Primary Contact: Tim or Gina
Secondary Contact: Smadar English

Primary Phone:
    Number: 908-362-7486
    Email: CSGapprenticeship@gmail.com

    Email: Csgardeninfo@gmail.com

Website: http://csgatgenesisfarm.com/

Internship information
General Farm Description: One of the oldest and most respected CSAs in the country is seeking apprentices for its 2025 season. Applicants for the Apprenticeship Program should be seeking a hands-on learning experience on a production-oriented farm. We offer apprentices their own room and board, stipend, shared lunches, educational opportunities, and involvement in Farm events in exchange for 50 hours of work per week. Apprenticeship housing is in a historic farmhouse on the farm. It is recommended that applicants visit the farm to evaluate the suitability of the position. After reviewing these details about the program, interested individuals should send a resume and a letter outlining goals and interests in agriculture to: CSGapprenticeship@gmail.com or The Community Supported Garden at Genesis Farm 41B Silver Lake Road Blairstown, New Jersey 07825; Telephone: 908-362-7486 For info, please go to https://csgatgenesisfarm.com/apprenticeship/

CRAFT Member Farm? Yes

Internship Starts: 4/1/2025
Internship Ends: 11/26/2025
Number of Internship Available: 3
Application Deadline: until position is filled
Minimum Length of Stay: full season

Internship Details:

Apprentices will learn about full-season CSA, how to grow and maintain a diverse variety of vegetables, have opportunities in community events and workshops, and how to steward the land with sustainable farming practices. In our program, we strive to teach good work habits so apprentices feel confident to discern their future in farming.

– Basics of crop rotation
– Basics of cover-cropping
– Basic understanding of field maps
– Familiarity with record keeping

– Seed saving – collecting, cleaning, and storing
– Take ownership of harvesting a certain crop and learn how to harvest from it over a period of time
– An understanding of the concept of CSA
– How to create a well-rounded share for the members
– Opportunities with outreach, if interested
– Cooking with seasonal vegetables, preservation and root cellaring
– Become familiar with the bio-dynamic preparations
– Basic pruning skills
– Insect control
– General maintenance involving tools, fences, greenhouses, etc.

Educational Opportunities: The season begins with sowing seeds into flats in the greenhouse and pruning outdoors. The focus then turns to the outside work of seeding into the ground, weeding, maintaining crops and harvesting crops. Each apprentice takes on a crop and follows it from seed to harvest. Other opportunities include involvement in Farm Camp, school groups, workshops and leading volunteers. By October, the work begins to shift. The days get shorter and cooler. At this time we begin a 6 week book study. We choose a book related to agriculture and gather together for an hour each week to discuss the readings. This hour is filled with good conversation and reflection. It's always a great wrap-up to the season. Taking part in member volunteer projects, school groups who visit/volunteer at the farm, CRAFT workshops, cooking seasonally, seed saving, farm visits, discussions around the lunch table, and the day to day experience of farming.

Skills Desired: Good physical condition, pleasant attitude and willingness to learn organic, sustainable and biodynamic farming methods.

Meals: Three days each week we gather around the table and enjoy a hot lunch prepared with the food from the farm. Produce from the farm can round out the remaining meals.

Stipend: $250/week

Housing: Room and board is included in the stipend. Housing is in a beautiful farmhouse on the farm. Each apprentice has their own room. Shared kitchen, bath and living space.

Preferred method of Contact: email or snail mail