Ducks in a Row Family Farm

Contact information
Farm Address:
5737 County Rd H
Arena, Wisconsin, 53503

Primary Contact: Nadia Alber
Secondary Contact: Chad Backes

Primary Phone:
    Number: 6085145479

Secondary Phone
    Number: 6089241154


Internship information
General Farm Description: Organic vegetable and pasture-based livestock operation (sheep, hogs, cattle, and poultry). We sell directly to customers at famers markets. We also grow and make our own hay, small grains and perennial pasture. We own 78 acres and rent another approx. 50 acres. We have three small children and enjoy growing and cooking nutritious food as a family.

CRAFT Member Farm? No

Internship Starts: 2025 Lambing Intern - starting THIS February! 2025 Full Season Interns - starting in April, May, or June and staying for 3-4 months
Internship Ends: 11/1/2025
Number of Internship Available: 2 or 3 depending on time frame and availability, please inquire!
Application Deadline: March 1st for lambing intern. May 1st for summer veggie/hay/grazing interns
Minimum Length of Stay: 1 month

Internship Details:

We are currently searching for several interns for the 2025 season on our farm working with organic vegetables and pastured livestock!

Lambing Intern – Looking for a motivated individual to come February, March, and/or April – spend 1 to 3 months on our farm during lambing time!  Learn the ins and outs of what it takes to be a sheep farmer when multiple sets of lambs are born in the same day.  =)

Full-Season Interns – May through October – timeframe is negotiable, but we would prefer the stay to be a minimum of 1 month long. Preference is made to season-long workers. Days would be spent outside working with planting, weeding and harvesting vegetables; rotationally grazing livestock; packing for and/or selling at multiple farmers markets per week; driving a tractor (if desired) and helping with fencing/shed/water system building projects.

Educational Opportunities: organic vegetable production, rotational grazing of livestock, hay making, fence/shed building and livestock watering systems (April-Oct)

Skills Desired: Experience with vegetable production and/or livestock husbandry and/or hay making and/or construction preferred

Meals: Yes (2x per day if living on premises) - otherwise 1x per day

Stipend: Yes

Housing: Yes: in-house, RV, or tent camping (optional)

Preferred method of Contact: Phone or Email