Earth Dance Farm
Last Updated On: February 19th, 2025 at 09:32AM MST
Contact information
Farm Address:27842 141st Ave.
Spring Valley, Minnesota, 55975
Primary Contact: Norman Gross
Primary Phone:
Type: Home
Number: 507-378-4252
Secondary Phone
Type: Cell
Number: 507-216-2928
Internship information
General Farm Description: We are a medium sized CSA farm in the beautiful rolling hills of the driftless region of SE MN. We are excited to begin our 20th year of growing food for folks in Rochester and the Twin Cities area. We have 40 acres with 20 farmed for our Community Supported Agriculture - 200 member shares for summer, 100 shares for our spring season, 100 shares for the fall, and 50 winter shares. We have a bi-weekly presence at the Rochester Farmers Market. We raise 200 chickens and have egg shares available for members year-round. A horse and some cattle roam our 2 pastures. We have solar panels to provide for the farm's electrical requirements. There is a 35 acre woods/stream to hike, fish, and swim in the summer.CRAFT Member Farm? No
Internship Starts: Spring/summer - flexible
Internship Ends: late August -Thanksgiving - flexible
Number of Internship Available: 2
Application Deadline: preferably by 03/15/25
Minimum Length of Stay: 2 months
Internship Details:
We have onsite living in a 2-room bunkhouse with a large deck and patio, and in addition, we have 2 ‘tiny homes’ for private sleeping quarters. It is important to be kind and respectful of others as we create a vibrant and enjoyable living/working environment. We share the evening meals on weekdays(M-W) with everyone getting the chance to cook every other week for the crew. We gather each morning at 7 for our morning meeting, take an hour off for lunch and quit for the day at 5. Integral intern responsibilities include: seeding in the greenhouse, hoop house management, field planting and transplanting, keeping the crops weeded, irrigated and fertilized, harvesting, cleaning and packing of the CSA boxes, and storage of fall crops. The implementation of row cover, pest management, mulching, cover cropping, and beekeeping is all in the mix. Participation in a bi-weekly Farmer’s Market is optional, as is the home processing/preserving/smoking/storing of many of our crops. There is ample opportunity for hands-on learning in a beautiful environment with 5 other young adult workers. Interns can have garden space of their own to grow food. We have fun working hard to bring nutrient dense, fresh produce to local tables. Check out our website for more details:
Educational Opportunities: Learn the day-to-day workings of a CSA farm and the management of a small business. On-farm library, daily morning meetings and workday evening meal discussions. Peer to peer conversations and inquiry. Field walks to process the stages of crop health and growth. The opportunity to regularly meet one-on-one with the farmer.
Skills Desired: Someone who loves the outdoors, someone who enjoys hard physical labor, and has an interest in sustainable farming/living. Specific farm skills are helpful, but not mandatory. Someone who can communicate well and work/live together as a team member. A pleasant, enjoyable, self motivated person.
Meals: Workday evening meals (Mon.-Wed.) are provided and we take turns cooking for these. Each person is offered the opportunity to make a meal for the group one time every other week. Interns have access to most of the crops in the fields and many dry staples, some eggs, maple syrup, some honey etc. are provided.
Stipend: Yes, a stipend of $1200/mo. for a typical intern and based on experience and length of commitment. There is a bonus given at the end of the stay/season that reflects the person's contribution to the year's success. This stipend is in addition to your bedroom and most of your needed food.
Housing: Yes, there are 2 large bedrooms in a bunkhouse that also has a deck and a patio. There are also 2 'tiny homes' for private sleeping. There is a shared intern space in the lower area of the main house with a kitchen, laundry, bath/shower and living room area with a library, sofa, t.v. and a table for games/reading/conversation. We have a large lawn with a fire pit, grill, pizza oven, picnic area etc. A stream runs nearby and a 35 acre woods is accessible directly behind our land.
Preferred method of Contact: email