Goat Dairy – Toluma Farms

Contact information
Farm Address:
5488 Middle Road
Tomales, California, 94971

Primary Contact: Tamara Hicks
Primary Phone:
    Number: 4152443179
    Email: info@tolumafarms.org

Website: https://www.tolumafarms.org

Internship information
General Farm Description: Toluma Farms and Tomales Farmstead Creamery is a 160 acre goat dairy and creamery in beautiful West Marin CA (60 miles North of San Francisco) and 3 miles from the Pacific Ocean. We are in our 22nd year of operation, having a restored a defunct cow dairy. Our land is certified organic, we are actively involved in the Marin Carbon Project and a recipient of the CA Healthy Soil Initiative Grant. We aim for zero waste and practice regenerative farming techniques whenever possible. We have 120 goats and 15 meat/fiber sheep and practice rotational grazing. We make award winning goat, sheep and cow cheeses on the farm and take in one apprentice for a minimum of 10 months, maximum of 1 year.

CRAFT Member Farm? No

Internship Starts: 4/15/25
Internship Ends: 3/15/26
Number of Internship Available: 1
Application Deadline: when filled
Minimum Length of Stay: 10-12 months

Internship Details:

Goat Dairy and Cheesemaking Apprentice!!

Learn everything there is to know about goat and sheep animal husbandry (kidding/lambing, breeding, vaccinations, pasture rotation), milking, cheese making, gardening and organic land management. We are looking for KIND, hard working individuals who want a career in sustainable agriculture, livestock and or cheesemaking. We are passionate about training the next generation. There isn’t a much more dynamic farming community than Marin and Sonoma Counties! Apprentices will have the opportunity to engage and network within the broader farming community. You must have a great sense of humor, get along well with others, be able to problem solve and have excellent communication skills. We are only interested in intersectional feminist, open minded, progressive farmers joining our team.

Educational Opportunities: We have academic curriculum that corresponds to our program and has weekly milestones and goals. We also send apprentices to one large CA conference as well as smaller workshops. Our apprentices typically attend 3 various workshops and/or classes. We ensure that apprentices visit other neighboring farms and ranches to provide the opportunity to learn from more than one model.

Skills Desired: We prefer an apprentice with livestock experience and an individual that wants to continue working with livestock, preferably dairy. We enjoy cooking and it is a plus if you do too!

Meals: We have raised beds and most people who work here harvest from as well as cheese, eggs, apples and lamb. We also provide all basic cooking materials (flour, sugar, olive oil...) and snacks in our communal kitchen.

Stipend: We offer $1,000 month stipend.

Housing: Yes, we provide a new, modern Cleverhome trailer on the farm. Queen bed, full size kitchen and bathroom.

Preferred method of Contact: email