Vuck Farm – Market Garden Intern

Contact information
Farm Address:
Vuck Farm
382 County Rd. 62
Riceville, Tennesee, 37370

Primary Contact: Sarah Bush
Secondary Contact: Tea Jay Teets

Primary Phone:
    Number: 865-591-0710

Secondary Phone

    Number: 423-920-2850




Internship information
General Farm Description: Our 10-acre farm is nestled between the Tennessee Valley and the Smoky Mountains halfway between Knoxville and Chattanooga. Grazing pastures rise up to a wooded ridge overlooking the beautiful Spring Creek Valley, and two acres of market gardens provide fresh in-season produce for on-farm events, food pantry, a grocery store and our farm stand. We grow in five high tunnels and key line terraced outdoor beds using regenerative, organic, and biodynamic methods. We consider the farm to be a collaboration of earth connection, self-sufficiency and community resiliency, which drives our workshops, internships and farm-to-table events. About the farmers: Tea Jay and Sarah have a combined 30 years of farming experience and have been involved with agricultural education throughout that time. In particular, Sarah attended the renowned CASFS program at UC Santa Cruz as a farm and garden apprentice and second year as a teaching assistant and community facilitator, and completed the same learning and teaching path at Quail Hill Farm in Amagansett, NY. Tea Jay has mentored interns and WWOOFers on Vuck Farm and offered gardening workshops to the community for over a decade.

CRAFT Member Farm? Yes

Internship Starts: Mid March
Internship Ends: Mid November
Number of Internship Available: 2
Application Deadline: ongoing
Minimum Length of Stay: Minimum length of stay for the paid opportunity is 4 months. End of season bonus given to those who complete the full 8 month season.

Internship Details:

We are pleased to offer two paid internship positions with housing provided for the 2025 season. Interns will work closely with the farm managers on all tasks related to the ongoing stewardship of the farmstead and crops. Work expectations are 45 hours per week, completed primarily between 8am-6pm six days a week with an hour lunch break. This will fluctuate according to weather and seasonal needs. Topics for study and practice are: soil management and bed prep, propagation, irrigation, crop rotation and companion planting, mulching techniques, organic pest and weed control, no till and low till methods, pruning and trellising, harvest and post-harvest handling, marketing, and value added products. Biodynamic philosophy and practice are the foundation of our farm’s regenerative impulse and will be a part of the experience. We have a small herd of dairy goats and pastured poultry; animal husbandry tasks are available for those who have an interest.

To apply, please email a letter of interest to


Educational Opportunities: We offer structured training and mentorship in vegetable production and farm efficiencies throughout the internship, as well as access to our extensive farm library with recommended readings. As part of their learning and community building journeys, interns may also choose to attend our on-farm workshops, CRAFT and Southeast TN Young Farmer Coalition events, the annual Tennessee Permaculture Convergence at Valley Dream Farm, Springtime biodynamic prepmaking with the Barefoot Farmer at Long Hungry Creek Farm, and monthly Earth Talk meetups with the Knoxville Regenerative Co-op.

Skills Desired: Previous experience with market gardening, food and beverage service, construction, or other fast paced, physical type employment is desired. We are less concerned with applicants' technical gardening experience than with demonstrated stamina, good attitude, ability to live in community, and willingness to contribute to a successful farming season.

Meals: We provide one shared community dinner per week, as well as farm vegetables, farm eggs and a wholesale price for our farm raised pork sausages. We encourage interns to coordinate their meals, and we will assist with procurement of bulk staples and pantry items to help stock the intern kitchen for the season.

Stipend: We offer a $200 per week stipend, with an $1,500 end of season bonus to those who commit to the full 8 month opportunity.

Housing: Housing is provided, which includes an off-grid camper, off-grid cabin, off-grid tent cabin, or a semi-private room in the intern apartment. The apartment's kitchen, bathroom and living room are communal spaces shared by all interns and visiting WWOOFers.

Preferred method of Contact: email