Ioway Tribe Opts for Regenerative Agriculture

The Ioway Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska began changing its farming operation in 2019 to more regenerative agricultural practices, reports the American Heart Association. The Tribe moved away from monoculture cropping and toward a diverse, year-round crop rotation across 2,400 acres of row crop production and 2,500 acres of pastureland. In addition, the Tribe is implementing adaptive, multi-paddock grazing. The switch to more regenerative practices has already resulted in improved soil that in turn leads to improved crop quality. “Once we have our healthy soils, we’ll be able to have healthy plants, healthy animals, healthy humans,” Tim Rhodd, the tribe’s chairperson, said. Kyle Rhodd, the manager of Ioway Farms, notes that the change to regenerative practices has been transformative for the tribe. A three-minute video is available online.
Related ATTRA podcast: Learning from the Amskapi Piikani — Latrice Tatsey on Soils, Climate, and Culture, Part 1