Minnesota Down Payment Assistance Grants

Applications will be accepted until September 15, 2024.
Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is accepting applications for Down Payment Assistance Grants that offer up to $15,000 for qualified farmers to purchase their first farm. Eligible applicants must earn less than $250,000 per year in gross agricultural sales, and each award must be matched with at least $8,000 of other funds. While all eligible farmers are encouraged to apply, priority for this round of grants will be given to applicants with no more than $100,000 in annual gross farm product sales or applicants who are producers of industrial hemp, cannabis, or specialty crops. After the application window closes, all eligible requests will be placed in a randomized lottery to determine the order in which grants are awarded, with the identified priority applicants being given precedence. If funding remains after the MDA has awarded grants to all priority applicants, the MDA will award as many grants as funding allows to all remaining applicants in the order of their lottery placement.