New Agrarian Wellness Training Program Accepting Applications
Quivira Coalition and AgWell (an initiative of the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union) are offering a peer-to-peer wellness training program and support network in 2025, the New Agrarian Wellness Training Program. Participants will gain the ability to recognize, understand, and address behavioral health challenges, which will then prepare them to implement supportive measures within their own networks and facilitate sessions that support their own communities. Over the course of five months, participants will learn frameworks for navigating stress, strategies for addressing mental health challenges, and skills to serve as facilitators in a peer-to-peer support network focused on wellness within an agricultural context. Candidates for the program must be beginning farmers or ranchers located in the first 10 years of their career located in Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Micronesia, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming. Training begins in April 2025.