Online Tool Consolidates Water-Management Case Studies

Scientists at the USDA Southwest Climate Hub and California Climate Hub have developed a browsable map-based tool that addresses water scarcity in the U.S. Southwest. The Water Adaptation Techniques Atlas (WATA) consolidates over 200 case studies on research and practices that water managers and producers can use to find location-specific and topical information to make informed decisions regarding water management. WATA provides information based on research from USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and other sources about practices for lessening the gap between water demand and available supply, with an emphasis on cropping and irrigation practices across Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. The solutions documented in WATA include centuries-old techniques employed by the indigenous peoples of the Southwest region to grow crops in arid lands, as well as novel technologies such as aquaponics and agrivoltaics. Several cases highlight tools and technologies for matching irrigation application to plant water needs using soil moisture sensors, remote sensing, or weather data.
Related ATTRA topic area: Water