WATCH Growing Hope: Climate and Grazing

The fourth session of NCAT’s annual conference, Growing Hope: Practical Tools for Our Changing Climate, considers the connection between grazing and the climate.

Cattle, sheep, and goats can be powerful tools to sequester carbon in grasslands when managed well. This session explores the positive impact ruminants can have on soil health, the agroecosystem, the climate, and farm profitability. The conversation around livestock’s climate impact is full of contradictory messages, and the participants in the session take a look at the various claims surrounding this topic.

The session begins with a presentation by Karl Thidemann of Soil4Climate. It is followed by a question-and-answer session including Maloi Lannan of Red Clover Lambs; Meagan Lannan of Barney Creek Livestock; Janet McNally of Tamarack Lamb & Wool; and Denice Rackley, a sheep and sheepdog farmer, ag researcher, and writer.

NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Nina Prater and NCAT Regenerative Livestock Specialist Linda Poole moderate the session.