Entries by Rich Myers

Planning and Establishing a Coffee System in Southern California

In this video, organic farmer Scott Murray discusses everything you need to know about how to plan and establish a coffee plantation in warm areas like Southern California. Scott discusses growing coffee seedlings in the nursery, transplanting, hardening off, and interplanting with trees in order to create a beneficial microclimate. This video is produced by […]

Diversificando y Revitalizando un Huerto Viejo de Aguacates

Héctor y Norma López son los propietarios y productores de Tierra Sana Farm en Bonsall, California, en el condado de San Diego. En este video, Héctor y Norma demuestran el proceso de transformar un viejo huerto de aguacates a un sistema productivo, diversificado, y certificado orgánico. Ellos hablan de su plan de diseño de diversificación, […]

Weekly Wednesday Workshop — Perennial Forages, Shrubs, and Trees. Part 1

In this webinar, NCAT Grazing Specialist Justin Morris talks about the benefits of shrubs and trees for livestock production. Often looked upon as a nuisance or unusable to the landowner, shrubs and trees can be a valuable resource for any livestock operation. This webinar is produced by the National Center for Appropriate Technology through the […]

Advanced Grazing Series. Session 3: Plants and Grazing Management

In this video, the third session of NCAT’s “Advanced Grazing Series,” NCAT Agriculture Specialists Lee Rinehart and Justin Morris focus on livestock with a discussion about the effects of animal impact in jump-starting ecological succession; the effect of trampling on soil compaction; the influence of paddock shape and livestock movement on forage intake and the […]

Indigenous and Traditional Soil Health Practices with Mila Berhane

The “Weekly Wednesday Workshop” series is designed to help farmers strengthen the resilience of their operations through marketing, the diversification of enterprises, and sustainable production practices. It’s hosted by Felicia Bell, an NCAT Sustainable Agriculture specialist who works out of the NCAT Gulf States Regional Office in Jackson, Mississippi. In this episode, Felicia and Mila […]

Advanced Grazing Series. Session 2: Plants and Grazing Management

In this video, the second session of NCAT’s Advanced Grazing Series, NCAT Agriculture Specialists Lee Rinehart and Justin Morris take a look at plants with a discussion on such topics as how grazing can be a beneficial disturbance that can be used to improve plant health; the four dimensions of grazing management; avoiding overgrazing; determining […]

Demystifying Regenerative Grazing and Soil Health: A Virtual Workshop

In this workshop, we hear from NCAT’s Nina Prater, Justin Morris, and Linda Coffey, as well as Arkansas graziers Jeremy Prater and Rick Crunkleton. In the first part of the workshop, Nina discusses what soil health is and describes some guiding principles for how to achieve soil health. Next, Justin gives an introduction to regenerative […]

Regenerative Grazing: An Introduction

In this video, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Justin Morris addresses a number of topics: * What does regenerative mean? * How is regenerative different from sustainable and organic? * How can regenerative grazing be defined? * What are some key attributes of regenerative grazing? * Where does regenerative grazing fit among other grazing strategies? * […]

Regenerative Grazing: An Introduction

In this presentation, NCAT Regenerative Grazing Specialist Justin Morris covers: * What does regenerative mean? * How is regenerative different from sustainable and organic? * How could regenerative grazing be defined? * What are some key attributes of regenerative grazing? * Where does regenerative grazing fit among other grazing strategies? * How can regenerative grazing […]

Advanced Grazing Series. Session 1: Grazing Dynamics, Soil Health, Aggregate Stability, and Water

In this video, the first session of NCAT’s “Advanced Grazing Series,” NCAT Agriculture Specialists Lee Rinehart and Justin Morris teach us about grazing dynamics, soil health, plant succession, aggregate stability, and water quality. They also discuss adaptive grazing-management styles that promote soil health. The series focuses on advanced concepts in taking regenerative grazing to the […]