Entries by Tracy Mumma

USDA Announces Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program Awards in Maine and California

USDA announced that it is awarding Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI) grants in Maine and California to build resilience across the middle of the supply chain and strengthen local and regional food systems. This awarded funding is part of the $420 million available nationwide through the RFSI grant program. In Maine, five funded projects […]

USDA Invests in Domestic Fertilizer Production

USDA announced that it is investing more than $116 million through the Fertilizer Production Expansion Program (FPEP) to help eight facilities expand innovative fertilizer production in California, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin. FPEP is funded by the Commodity Credit Corporation and provides funding to independent business owners to help them modernize […]

‘Transition to Organic’ Sessions from Tilth Conference Available Online

eOrganic partnered with Tilth Alliance to record the Transition to Organic sessions at the 50th Anniversary Tilth conference held in November. With funding provided by the USDA Transition to Organic (TOPP) program, these recordings are now publicly available on the eOrganic YouTube channel. The four sessions, each around an hour long, include a panel with […]

Weeds Acquiring Herbicide Resistance from Crop Rice, Study Shows

Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis sampled weedy rice, a relative of cultivated rice, from fields in Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana. They found that 57% of 201 samples were resistant to the imidazolinone family of herbicides. Rice growers began planting cultivars that were engineered to be herbicide-resistant, to help them manage the problem of […]

Global Nutrient Analysis Shows Recycling Feces and Urine Would Reduce Need for Mined Fertilizers

Scientists from Cornell University published results of their global analysis of nutrient recycling in Nature Sustainability. They concluded that many countries could become self-sufficient for fertilizer if they would recycle all human and animal urine and feces to agriculture. The nutrients found globally in human and poorly utilized livestock excreta represent 13% of crop and […]

Minnesota Launches Green Fertilizer Grant Program

Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) announced a new Green Fertilizer Grant Program that will support agricultural and rural electric cooperatives to invest in green fertilizer manufacturing. The MDA will begin accepting applications on December 18, 2024, and may award between $250,000 and $6.665 million for business-ready and shovel-ready projects. Applications will be due March 18, […]

California Project to Help Ranchers Stay Strong in Extreme Weather

Based on results of producer surveys conducted by University of California researchers, a statewide team has begun a project designed to help California ranchers stay strong through extreme weather variability. The researchers surveyed and interviewed nearly 50 ranchers to collect their wisdom about how they survived the drought from 2012-2016. After publishing the results of […]

Northeast Regional Food Business Center Supporting Food and Agricultural Businesses

The Northeast Regional Food Business Center has awarded up to $100,000 each for 13 projects that will offer business technical assistance, value- and supply-chain coordination, market development, and more to support small- and mid-sized food and agricultural businesses. In addition, four organizations received grants to build regional or sub-regional technical assistance provider networks that will […]

USDA Announces Investment in Local Food Programs

USDA announced a $1.13 billion investment to support local and regional food systems, building upon the Department’s previous investments in the Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement (LFPA) and Local Food for Schools (LFS) programs. This funding will allow states, territories, and federally recognized Tribes to purchase wholesome, locally produced foods for distribution within their […]

Farmers Guide to FSA County Committee Elections Now Available

A new, free publication is available online from Farmers’ Legal Action Group (FLAG). Farmers’ Guide to County Committee Elections in the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) explains the rules governing the election of FSA County Committee members. Because FSA County Committees exercise significant power over the delivery of FSA services at the county level, FLAG […]