Entries by Tracy Mumma

Local Meat Processors Provide Valuable Service

Meat processors play an important role for small producers in communities across the West, reports Western Farm Press. Once-plentiful local butcher shops disappeared over time, but when the pandemic revealed supply-chain weaknesses, interest in local processing revived. Producers may face challenges in finding a local processor, but small processors, in turn, are facing challenges in […]

Five New Members Join National Organic Standards Board

USDA announced the appointment of five new members to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), for a five-year term from January 2025 through January 2030. The NOSB is made up of 15 members from the organic sector. The new members include Kathryn Deschenes of Colorado and Amanda Felder of California, both appointed to Handler seats; […]

Ancient Agricultural Practices Offer Lessons for Farming with Water Scarcity

Research into ancient low-water-use agricultural practices by Bar-Ilan University in Israel is offering insights into how modern farming could succeed in times of water scarcity. A study published in Environmental Archaeology began with an exploration of Plot-and-Berm agroecosystems located along Israel’s Mediterranean coast but expanded into investigation of how traditional sunken groundwater-harvesting agroecosystems were used […]

Research Provides Insight on Growing Organic Leafy Greens in High Tunnels

A recent study by scientists at the University of Florida sheds light on how soil and nutrient management practices significantly influence the productivity and quality of leafy green crops grown in high tunnel organic systems, reports the American Society for Horticultural Science. This 3-year study examined a cowpea cover crop, as well as a range […]

Texas A&M Project to Improve Muscadine Grapes

Texas A&M University will work with the University of Arkansas, the University of Georgia, and other institutions and agencies in a four-year, $7 million project designed to improve muscadine grapes for fresh market sales and wine. USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture provided funding for this project that will support grape growers in propagating […]

Ohio Project Looks Beyond Sugar Maples for Syrup Production

Ohio State University is involved in USDA-funded research to explore viable alternatives to sugar maples for syrup production, given that scientists expect the range of sugar maples to move northward, leaving behind the southern syrup-producing states like Ohio. Ohio State’s research focused on tapping hybrid red maple and silver maple trees, which produce sap with […]

Research Shows Concentrated Sugar Solution Effective for Treating Infection in Dairy Cattle

Researchers at Penn State published work in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science, showing that a concentrated sugar solution was as effective as antibiotics in treating mild cases of a common uterine infection in dairy cattle, called clinical metritis. The discovery has the potential to reduce reliance on antibiotics and ultimately help combat the growing […]

Efforts to Revive American Chestnuts Progressing

Devotees of the American Chestnut are making progress in their long-term efforts to bring the species back to American forests, reports The Post and Courier in Greenville, South Carolina. Root rot and blight virtually eradicated a tree species that was a significant component of eastern forests and that provided an ecological and economic underpinning for […]

Fly Pollinators at Risk from Higher Temperatures

Penn State University published a study in the Journal of Melittology that explored the heat tolerance for a variety of species of bees and flies in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. The research team notes that flies play an important, and often unrecognized, role as pollinators, second only to bees. They are the […]

Food Hub Case Study Offers Insights

Washington State University Extension released Food Hub Adaptation: A Case Study of Local Inland Northwest Cooperative Foods, a free, 15-page publication on an established food hub in eastern Washington. In this case study, farmers and providers interested in starting or improving a food hub can learn about hub economics, facilities, policies, products, planning, and more. […]