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Whether you’re a seasoned or beginning producer, a curious consumer, or simply someone who appreciates the bounty of the earth, you’ll find valuable insights and engaging stories here.

Written by ATTRA specialists on topics they are passionate and knowledgeable about, the ATTRA blog highlights techniques, how-tos, insight, success stories, and much more in support of sustainable agriculture.


How to Make Sure Your Leguminous Cover Crop is Doing its Job

Legumes are a superstar cover crop, particularly in warm, subtropical climates because unlike other cover crops, legumes have the ability to turn atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen that crops can use. But as Stephanie Kasper, a biology research associate at University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley explains, legumes require an important partner to do their job.
By Emilie Saunders, NCAT Communications Director
goat with baby

Risk Management in the Real World

By Nina Prater, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist It…
The Crops Crew

NCAT Staff Complete Rigorous International Organic Inspectors Association Crop and Livestock Inspector Training

Last month, 12 National Center for Appropriate Technology employees hit the books for a rigorous week-long training through the International Organic Inspectors Association (IOIA). Through the IOIA curriculum, we developed skills required for inspecting and reporting on the management of organic crop and livestock operations.
By Lizzie Gill, Local Foods Specialist

The Two Best Legume Cover Crops for Hot and Humid Climates

Cover crops can be an investment in your future soil health. And it’s legume cover crops that can deliver a lasting soil benefit that other cover crop options don’t: nitrogen.
By Colin Mitchell, Sustainable Agriculture Specialist
Person crouching down and picking Strawberries at Appel Farms

NCAT’s Armed to Farm Returns to In-Person Training

In January 2020, NCAT’s Armed to Farm team was busy making plans to host eight workshops, including one in Fayetteville, Arkansas, in June 2020. However, by late April it had become clear that we would not be able to meet in person for some time. After a year of waiting and hoping and Zooming, we were thrilled to finally host the 25th week-long Armed to Farm in May 2021 at Mount Sequoyah Retreat Center in Fayetteville. We were so happy to be back with a group of military veterans eager and ready to learn about sustainable farming.
By Robyn Metzger, Armed to Farm Coordinator

LC Compost Solutions – A Future Solution for Carcass and Bio-hazardous Waste Disposal in Montana

While NCAT was preparing our final report for the Blackfeet feasibility study for a processing plant on tribal land, one thing became apparent: certain by-products from meat processing, such as offal, bones, and hides are very much at the mercy of market prices. One minute, they could be a value-added product, and the next minute, they could become an additional disposal cost.
By Andrew Coggins, NCAT Rocky Mountain West Office Director

Ready for the Future? Climate Disruption and Crop Insurance

By Jeff Schahczenski, NCAT Agricultural and Natural Resource…

Plant Diversity for Animal Health

While many people make conscious decisions about what foods they eat for health reasons, the same considerations are not often made for livestock. We rarely discuss how the variety of plants they eat affects their health, wellness, and nutrient density of their meat.
By Kara Kroeger, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist

A Spring IPM Toolbox for Controlling Powdery Mildew in Vineyards

Powdery mildew has plagued vineyards since time immemorial. If temperatures reach between 70 and 85 degrees, chances are, powdery mildew has woken up from its slumber and is ready to infect your grapes. When left unchecked, this fungus can reduce vine growth, sabotage yields, and reduce fruit quality. There are all sorts of practices in our integrated pest-management toolbox that we can use to control powdery mildew. Prevention is always number one, but there are plenty of mitigation strategies we can employ as well. Here are some good examples:
By Katherine Favor, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist
apple blossum

Fruit and the Freeze of 2021

Better Than I Feared but Worse Than It Looks By Guy K. Ames,…