Helena Farmers Market flower vendor

Episode 267. How Farmers Markets Do More than Sell Local Goods

The National Center for Appropriate Technology has released a new study detailing the economic impact of farmers markets in Montana, and it has launched a new website to connect markets, farmers, and communities. In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Communications Director Emilie Ritter Saunders speaks with Maura Henn, NCAT’s Community Food Systems Specialist, about these new resources and unexpected ways farmers markets make a big impact.
Emilie Ritter Saunders and Maura Henn
Intervale Food Hub

Episode 265. Meet NCAT. Molly Kirkham Talks Local Food and Farm to Cafeteria

In this episode of Voices from the Field, we get to know a new member of NCAT’s staff, Local Food Specialist Molly Kirkham. Molly tells her NCAT colleague, Community Foods System Specialist Maura Henn, about the chance encounter with a community garden that began her interest in local foods. She talks about her time with AmeriCorps at a food bank in Montana, her time farming, and how she came to work at NCAT.
Molly Kirkham and Maura Henn
Shoppers at Willowwood Farm
eggs loaded for trucking to market