jerseys grazing

Heat Stress Impacts Dairy Production, Especially on Small Farms

A new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign…
spotted lanternflyUSDA Photo by Lance Cheung

Natural Predators Could Help Control Spotted Lanternfly Pest

Research led by Penn State and published in Arthropod-Plant Interactions…
close-up of solar panel

‘Cattle Voltaics’ Combine Grazing and Solar Panels

A Colorado-based cattle operation is demonstrating the feasibility…
Sunrise sky with clouds over a hayfield with a tree at the edge and a dog in the foregroundUSDA Media by Chuck Merlo.

Farmers Invited to Share Stories of Funding Freeze Impacts

Several organizations and entities are inviting farmers to share…
three kinds of potatoes displayed with price signs in baskets.USDA Photo by Lance Cheung.

Snapshot of Nebraska’s Food and Farm Economy Released

The Nebraska Farm & Food Economy report, released by the Center…
Photo of Dr. Williams performs soil evaluations with participants at a Soil for Water field day.

Understanding Ag Offers Adaptive Grazing Tips

Dr. Allen Williams shared adaptive grazing tips to kick off the…
graphic landscape with title New Hampshire Food and Agriculture Strategic PlanNew Hampshire Food Alliance

New Hampshire Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan Released

New Hampshire Food Alliance, in partnership with the New Hampshire…
mixed produce including carrots, peppers, purple cabbage, cauliflower, and more

Appalachian Farms Feeding Families Supports Hurricane Recovery

Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) re-established…
buff chickens in grass

USDA Announces Biosecurity Assessments for Commercial Poultry Producers

USDA announced the expansion of biosecurity assessments and audits…
Cows grazing in a green pasture with a man walking among them.USDA Photo by Lance Cheung

Basic Livestock and Poultry Webinars Available On Demand

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) premiered…