small bees feeding on pearl millet seed headUSDA ARS

Scientists Call for Better Understanding of Pollination Science

Scientists at the German University of Göttingen published an…

Minnesota Food-Supply-Chain Projects Receive Funding

USDA Agricultural Marketing Service partnered with Minnesota…
close-up of a dog's nose

Trained Dogs Aid in Spotted Lanternfly Detection

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive, destructive insect found…

‘Living Mulch’ Cover Crops Benefit Soil Health

The journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment published research…
A person cuts sections of beefCanva Pro

Local Meat Processors Provide Valuable Service

Meat processors play an important role for small producers in…
Dry, cracked soil

Ancient Agricultural Practices Offer Lessons for Farming with Water Scarcity

Research into ancient low-water-use agricultural practices by…
spinach in a high tunnelNCAT

Research Provides Insight on Growing Organic Leafy Greens in High Tunnels

A recent study by scientists at the University of Florida sheds…

Texas A&M Project to Improve Muscadine Grapes

Texas A&M University will work with the University of Arkansas,…