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Looking for videos to help you in your sustainable agriculture journey? You’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll find a trove of useful videos offering practical solutions to support sustainable agriculture and energy, from DIY projects to success stories and producer techniques, and everything in between.



Examining soil health in hand

Rainfall Simulator: How Farming Practices Affect Soil Stability and Water Infiltration

In this video, Bill Chain of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation discusses…
You can assess soil health with your senses and simple tools

Pasture Composition Monitoring with the Point Step Method

Pasture plant-composition monitoring is an important part of…
You can assess soil health with your senses and simple tools

Soil Aggregation and Assessing Pasture Soil Structure with a Simple Field Test

Soil aggregate stability is a measure of how well soil particles…

Soil Health for Watersheds: How Can Federal Agencies Help?

In this session of the National Center for Appropriate Technology's…

Slump Test for Assessing Aggregate Stability in Agricultural Soils

Healthy soils hold water and prevent nutrients from running off…
A former CRP field that has less soil aggregation than crop fields.

Soil Aggregation and Assessing Pasture Soil Structure with a Simple Field Test

Soil aggregate stability is a measure of how well soil particles…
flooded orchard

Capturing Water and Reducing Floods: Can Healthy Soils Save Society Money?

This discussion about the opportunity to maximize off-farm benefits…
Healthy soilUSDA NRCS

Indigenous Perspectives on Soil Health and Water

Before 1993, when Santa Clara Pueblo Indigenous scholar Gregory…
AgroforestryCanva Pro

Economics of Soil Health

This discussion was part of the National Center for Appropriate…