Healthy soil and hands, USDA Flickr

Episode 309. Cotton Fields to Pasture: Why Soil Health Matters with Bill Robertson

Dr. Bill Robertson recently retired after a long career as the Cotton Extension Agronomist with the University of Arkansas Extension Service. He also worked for the National Cotton Council for a few years, focusing on improving the sustainability of cotton production. Bill and his wife, Carey, have a livestock farm where they raise sheep and many other livestock species using prescribed grazing techniques.   

 In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Agriculture Specialist Nina Prater talks with Bill about how he came to understand soil health as essential to a profitable farm whether the farm is growing crops or livestock. They talk about what practices farmers are using to improve soil health and the benefits they see from their efforts – benefits that include reduced input costs, healthier crops, better yields, and better profitability overall.   

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