Examining soil health in hand

Episode 365. Calcium: The ‘Premier’ Soil Nutrient   

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialists Nina Prater, Darron Gaus, and Lee Rinehart explore calcium – an essential plant nutrient and basic soil cation that has a big impact on soil pH. Whether your soil is naturally high or naturally low in calcium, this episode will guide you in managing this nutrient.

Related ATTRA Resources: 

Episode 164. Soil Sessions. Understanding Soil pH 

Episode 304. Phosphorus and the Beauty of Biology 

Episode 260. Rising Fertilizer Costs. Look to History for Answers 

Episode 323. Potassium from Past to Present

Other Resources: 

Soil Fertility and Animal Health 

The Marl Pits Around the Upton Area 

Soil Cation Balancing 

Using Lime in Organic Systems 

Soil Acidity and Adjusting Soil pH 

Contact Nina Prater, Darron Gaus, and Lee Rinehart at ninap@ncat.org, darrong@ncat.org, and lee@ncat.org. 

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