Global Study Highlights Benefits of Diversified Farming

A major global study led by the University of Copenhagen and University of Hohenheim revealed significant benefits from diversified agriculture. The four-year study published in Science collected data from 24 research projects on more than 20 different types of diversification practices, including crop rotation, hedgerows, biochar application, mulching, livestock diversification, and water conservation. Researchers found positive effects from diversification that increased as more strategies were combined, particularly in terms of biodiversity and food security. They also noted improved well-being from diversification and documented no reduction in yields. Furthermore, the study showed that that diversification strategies make good sense in many different landscape contexts. “Drop monoculture and industrial thinking and diversify the way you farm—it pays off,” says study leader Laura Vang Rasmussen.
Related ATTRA publication: Integrating Livestock and Crops: Improving Soil, Solving Problems, Increasing Income