Tag Archive for: Fruit

Stephanie Kasper's rainwater harvesting system

When in Drought, Plan It Out: Rain Harvesting

By Stephanie Kasper, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Program…
Cereal rye cover crop

Episode 304. Phosphorus and the Beauty of Biology 

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Agriculture Specialists…

Avocados: Fruit Set Challenges and Propagation

Like all plants, avocados have secrets to share; understanding the plants we grow can unlock their potential and bring a deeper understanding of the ecology in our own back yards. Here are a few considerations for your backyard avocados, as well as a propagation technique that can be used on a number of plants.
By Omar Rodriguez
NCAT Agriculture Specialist
Peach Rot

What the Brown Rot Hath Wrought

I don't grow peaches. That unhappy confession is despite the fact that I grow peach trees. And rot. I grow a lot of brown rot.
By Guy Ames, NCAT Horticulture Specialist
intact tree borer

Battling Borers in Organic Apple Production

By Guy Ames, NCAT Horticulturist Organic apple production…

Root Propagation

I developed a love of plants as a young boy, helping my father in his yard-of-the-month winning front yard. I hated pruning roses, but everything else was so amazing to me. I think the thing that really hooked me was propagation, although I didn’t know the word for it back then. When I realized I could make a whole new plant from just a piece of another, it did something permanent to my little mind that is still with me today.
By Justin Duncan, NCAT Agriculture Specialist

Growing Vegetable Transplants in the Greenhouse

By Luke Freeman, NCAT Horticulture Specialist Earlier this…
Andy Pressman, NCAT

Improving Seed Viability and Germination

Vegetable growers are hustling to start seeds in order to have transplants ready to go in to the ground once the soil has warmed up and dried out.
By Andy Pressman
NCAT Northeast Regional Director
Guy Ames, NCAT

Peach Leaf Curl

I’m seeing peach leaf curl in my orchard. It’s April, but the calendar date is not as important as the growth stage of the peaches.
By Guy K. Ames
NCAT Horticulture Specialist In Northwest Arkansas
boxes of peaches at a farmers market with a sign reading Fresh Peaches

What is Peach Leaf Curl?

In springtime, peach growers will see the last remnants of the…
pepper plants

Using Raised Beds to Increase Your Harvest

When I am faced with a less than ideal growing situation, rather than fight with Nature, I'll build a raised bed. I've built many of them over the years to suit different purposes.
By Justin C. Duncan
NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist

Elderberries: Easy to Grow Medicine

I can hardly think of a perennial fruit easier to grow than elderberries. And I can hardly think of a food item with a stronger claim to health benefits. Coupling the ease of growing with this fruit’s new popularity as an effective medicine, this could be an opportune time for growers to consider establishing an elderberry planting for their family, or perhaps, more ambitiously, a commercial venture.
By Guy K. Ames, NCAT Horticulture Specialist