Tag Archive for: Marketing

Episode 348. Poke Salad, Mullein, and Other Crop Alternatives in Southern Arkansas
In this episode of Voices from the Field, Kandi Williams of the…

Episode 346. Managing Risk in the Ark-La-Tex Region
In this episode of Voices from the Field, Kandi Williams of the…

Episode 318. Local Foods Directory Helps Find Farmers Markets, Create a Digital Marketing Strategy
In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture…

Episode 317. Farmers Markets – Supporting Farmers Behind the Scenes
In this episode of Voices from the Field, Samantha O’Byrne,…

Make Social Media Work for Your Market: Why It’s So Important, and What to Focus on Right Now
In this video, Shannon Loy, also known as "The Social Ginger,"…

Lesson 7. Selling Your Story: Social Media Outreach and Marketing
In this video, Molly Kirkham, a Local Foods Specialist with the…

Lesson 6. Expanding Your Markets
In this video, Mary Ellis, the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program…

Lesson 5. Creating a Winning Display
In this video, Tammy Howard, a Horticulture Specialist with the…

Lesson 4. Pricing Strategies for Vendors
In this video, Tammy Howard, a Horticulture Specialist with the…

Lesson 3. Working with Your Farmers Market Manager
In this video, Omar Rodriguez, a Sustainable Agriculture Specialist…