Episode 150. Glyphosate Contamination

In this episode of Voices from the Field, Jeff Schahczenski, an agricultural and natural resource economist with NCAT’s ATTRA sustainable-agriculture program, discusses recent shipments of organic wheat and durum from Montana that were determined to be contaminated with glyphosate. That caused European Union buyers to reject the shipments.

The situation has created a significant economic hardship for producers in Montana and elsewhere.

Joining Jeff in the discussion are Dr. William E. Dyer, a professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology at Montana State University; Lilianna Bento, an undergraduate researcher at Montana State University; and Bob Quinn, Montana Organic farmer, founder of Kamut International, and recent co-author of Grain by Grain: A Quest to Revive Ancient Wheat, Rural Jobs and Healthy Food.

They will explore the history of the recent contamination and recent research undertaken by Montana State University to better understand its sources, as well as future remedies available to organic grain growers in Montana and elsewhere in the United States.

For more information on this topic, you can contact Jeff Schahczenski directly via email at jeffs@ncat.org.

ATTRA Resources

Protecting Organic Crops from the Impacts of Genetic Modification Technology (Coming soon to the ATTRA website)

Non-GMO Dairy Transition Guide

Organic Farming

Other Resources

Grain by Grain

Please call ATTRA with any and all of your sustainable agriculture questions at 800-346-9140 or e-mail us at askanag@ncat.org. Our two dozen specialists can help you with a vast array of topics, everything from farm planning to pest management, from produce to livestock, and soils to aquaculture.

You can get in touch with NCAT/ATTRA specialists and find our other extensive, and free, sustainable-agriculture publications, webinars, videos, and other resources at NCAT/ATTRA’s website.

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