Entries by Cathy Svejkovsky

Who Let the Dogs Out? A Warning

By Linda Coffey, NCAT Livestock Specialist In 2022, I enjoyed “The Year of the Dogs,” as our son Cameron’s dog gave birth to nine (!) puppies on January 2, 2022. We already had two livestock guardian dogs (LGD) out in our pasture, and we haven’t had a pet dog in years, but I cared for […]

Adventures in Mirliton

By Justin Duncan, NCAT Agriculture Specialist Every once in a while, something happens that lifts you from the humdrum mundanity of life. More rarely, these things coalesce out of the ether and settle down and snuggle in the lap of your mind like a kitten demanding affection. It all started with an ATTRA case and […]

Purchasing and Siting a High Tunnel to Extend the Growing Season

By Chris Lent, NCAT Agriculture Specialist When I began using high tunnels to protect some crops on my farm, it changed everything, from my planting schedule to how I approached my markets. This blog is the first in a series on high tunnel season extension. Each will have a different focus, such as crop selection, […]

Reflections on Growing Hope: Practical Tools for Our Changing Climate

By Nina Prater, NCAT Agriculture Specialist The third annual NCAT conference is a wrap! My conference planning co-lead Elise Haschke and I have been reflecting on what the many conference speakers at Growing Hope: Practical Tools for Our Changing Climate taught us. After hearing so many different farmers, ranchers, community leaders, and researchers sharing stories […]

Soil Social: Quorum Sensing, Part 2

By Darron Gaus, NCAT Agriculture Specialist Returning to the vacuum silenced, golden morning hours on the farm, where you now listen intently for the soil social beneath your feet, your senses are becoming more aware of the microbiology community that you steward. Now your thoughts drift purposely between water, carbon, and nutrient cycles that the […]

Farmers Market Pricing Strategies for Vendors

By Tammy Howard, NCAT Agriculture Specialist Farmers markets continue to be a low-risk marketing strategy for beginning farmers. However, vendors often struggle to figure out the right pricing strategy. Many beginning farmers start out with a pricing strategy that reflects what everyone else is charging. While this is a good place to begin, it is […]