Entries by ncat-admin

Episode 162. Starting a Farm: Soil Considerations

Today’s episode of Voices from the Field is part of the occasional series entitled “Starting a Farm” from Rockiell Woods, Director of NCAT’s Gulf States Regional Office in Jackson, Mississippi, and Bill Evans, Director of Horticulture at Up in Farms Food Hub in Jackson. This episode is about soil considerations on a new farm. They […]

Payments for Ecosystem Services

By Colin Mitchell, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist My passion for working in sustainable agriculture came out of a love of being in nature with friends, whether it was going on back-country backpacking trips, kayaking Texas’s beautiful rivers, mountain biking, or sometimes escaping to nature for my own enjoyment and, at times, solace. After college, I […]

Episode 161. Integrated Pest Management in Idaho Flocks

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Livestock Specialist Dave Scott has a conversation with Caleb Pirc of Good Shepherd Farm in Meridian, Idaho, about integrated pest-management strategies for their sheep operations. Dave, who, among other duties, works with NCAT’s ATTRA sustainable-agriculture program out of NCAT headquarters in Butte, Montana, is the co-owner […]

Episode 160. Hydroponic Trials at NCAT’s SIFT Farm

Today’s episode is about hydroponic systems NCAT has used at its Small-Scale Intensive Farm Training Program (SIFT) demonstration farm. Lilianna Bento, Energy Corps Intern at NCAT, interviews Andrew Coggins, Director of NCAT’s Rocky Mountain West regional office in Butte, Montana, about innovations and simplifications made to their hydroponic system since 2016. For more information on […]

Pear Trees Exemplify Resilience

Resilience is the latest buzzword in the lexicon of sustainable agriculture… and for good reason. Resilience is the ability to recover or bounce back after a challenge or setback.
By Guy Ames, NCAT Horticulture Specialist

Episode 159. Small Ruminants: All About Health

In this episode of Voices from the Field, Margo Hale, Director of NCAT’s Southeast Regional Office in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and Linda Coffey, Livestock Specialist with NCAT also located in Fayetteville, discuss ruminant health: how to encourage health, prevent illness, work with a veterinarian, and manage so that your flock or herd is mostly trouble-free. They […]

Selling Meat During the COVID-19 Pandemic

While we never have a problem selling what we have available, we also don’t usually have an overwhelming demand. As soon as COVID-19 hit, though, people who have never bought meat from us before began reaching out to see if we had any meat available for sale. They wanted to stock their freezers!

By Margo Hale, NCAT Southeast Regional Director and NCAT Livestock Specialist