Entries by Rich Myers

Virtual Farm Tour: Risk Management at Ames Orchard and Nursery

Hear from farmer Guy Ames, owner of Ames Orchard and Nursery in Washington County, Arkansas. Guy raises a highly diverse array of fruit, as well as fruit trees sold in his nursery. Guy shares his risk management strategies for his perennial production system. This video is produced by the National Center for Appropriate Technology through […]

Risk Management at Ames Orchard and Nursery

Guy Ames — an NCAT Sustainable Horticulture Specialist and owner of Ames Orchard and Nursery in Washington County, Arkansas — raises a highly diverse array of fruit, as well as fruit trees sold in his nursery. In this video, Guy shares the risk management strategies for his perennial production system. This video is produced by […]

Virtual Farm Tour at Uncle Jerry’s Farm

In this video, Deborah Coleman talks about the varying risk-management practices she uses on her operation, Uncle Jerry’s Farm. Deborah raises small ruminants and produce on the farm, which is located in Hinds County, Mississippi. video is produced by the National Center for Appropriate Technology through the ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture program, under a cooperative agreement […]

Risk Management on a Diverse Orchard and Nursery

This virtual workshop includes a video tour of Ames Orchard and Nursery, which is owned by NCAT Agriculture Specialist Guy Ames. Guy talks about the risk management strategies he uses on his operation. Also, NCAT Agriculture and Natural Resources Economist Jeff Schahczenski discusses crop insurance and Whole Farm Revenue Protection, focusing on products that are […]

Risk Management: What Every Farmer Needs to Know

In this video, NCAT Gulf States Regional Director Rockiell Woods summarizes the different types of risk farmers face. He addresses risk and sources of risk in agriculture; risk management principles; risk identification and prioritization; common strategies for risk treatment; and some important risk management priorities. This video is produced by the National Center for Appropriate […]

Risk Management: Mitigating Risk on the Farm

In this video, Dr. Bill Evans of Up In Farms Food Hub in Jackson, Mississippi, discusses marketing risks and how to manage for them. Marketing risks include all risks to profit and the farm operation due to activities related to the selling of agricultural products. Dr. Evans focuses on small to medium sized operations. This […]

Risk Management: Heirs’ Property with Attorney Andrea Barnes

In this video, we hear from Attorney Andrea Barnes, the lead attorney for the heirs’ property campaign of the Mississippi Center for Justice in Jackson, Mississippi. The Mississippi Center for Justice is a non-profit public interest law firm. Barnes discusses the basics of heirs’ property, what it means and how to avoid family farm loss. […]

Risk Management: Crop Insurance as a Risk Management Tool

In this video, we hear from Derrick Johnson, Risk Management Specialist with the USDA’s Risk Management Agency. Johnson gives a broad overview of crop insurance as a risk management tool, and he talks about his work supporting new and beginning farmers. This video was produced by the National Center for Appropriate Technology through the ATTRA […]

Virtual Farm Tour: Risk Management at Uncle Jerry’s Farm

Hear from farmer Deborah Coleman about her farm, Uncle Jerry’s Farm, in Hinds County, Mississippi. She raises small ruminants and produce, and utilizes a number of different risk management practices to ensure success on her farm. This video is produced by the National Center for Appropriate Technology through the ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture program, under a […]

Conservation Hedgerows at Terranova Ranch

Terranova Ranch is dedicated to producing more than 25 premium quality crops as effectively, productively, and sustainably as possible in the central San Joaquin Valley of California. Toward that end, they have implemented a wide variety of conservation and regenerative agriculture practices, including sustainable irrigation practices and conservation hedgerows. In this video, Don Cameron, General […]