Entries by Rich Myers

Understanding the Soil Microbiome with Nicole Masters

In this episode, Kara Kroeger, a sustainable agriculture specialist with NCAT’s ATTRA sustainable agriculture program, talks with Nicole Masters, a New Zealand agroecologist and director of Integrity Soils. Kara, who works out of NCAT’s Southwest Regional Office in San Antonio, Texas, caught up with Nicole via telephone while Nicole was visiting a client in Big […]

Masterful Management in Lambing Jugs

Making sure that new moms and their lambs are “mothered” up and that ewes and babies are healthy and prospering is an essential part of your lambing operation. In this video, NCAT Livestock Specialist Dave Scott takes us through what to look for when ewes are sick and lambs are not getting enough milk. Simple […]

FAMACHA in a Nutshell

In this video, Dr. Jim Miller of the American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control explains the basis of FAMACHA, a technique for measuring small ruminants’ level of barber pole worms. He also demonstrates the technique and walks several workshop participants through the process of learning it. This video is produced by the National Center […]

El Gauchito Hill Farm (en español)

Gauchito Hill Farm es una granja orgánica certificada de diez acres ubicada en el hermoso Valle de Capay, California, a unas 90 millas al este de San Francisco y 40 millas al oeste de Sacramento. Este podcast también fue producido por el Centro Nacional de Tecnología Apropiada a través del programa ATTRA de Agricultura Sostenible, […]

Alternative Lamb Marketing

Once your lamb is properly finished, the next step is to ensure that the carcass is properly processed and the wrapped cuts are presented in an appealing manner. Success at this stage will greatly impact how tender and attractive your finished product is to the consumer. Your butcher is a key component in the overall […]

Cover Cropping an Almond Orchard

With support from the USDA, NCAT Agriculture Specialists Marisa Alcorta and Rex Dufour have helped Spanish-speaking farmers in California’s Central Valley experiment with cover crops to improve soil quality and provide habitat for beneficial insects and pollinators. This video documents Elias Cosio, an almond grower from near Modesto who has been collaborating with NCAT and […]

Understanding Live-Animal Evaluation of Fat Lambs

Do you market lamb directly to consumers? Learn to use your hands to tell when a lamb is finished! Companion fact sheet available at https://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/summaries/summary.php?pub=459 Learning to master correct live-animal evaluation of fat lambs will help you provide a superior, differentiated product to your customers. It also can reduce the overall cost of producing a […]

Pastured Poultry Production and Profitability

This video covers the basics of pastured poultry production as well as common advantages and pitfalls of getting started in the business and keys to keeping operations profitable. It was offered by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), Montana Mission Mountain Food and Cooperative Development Center, and Salish Kootenai College as part of the […]