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Whether you’re a seasoned or beginning producer, a curious consumer, or simply someone who appreciates the bounty of the earth, you’ll find valuable insights and engaging stories here.

Written by ATTRA specialists on topics they are passionate and knowledgeable about, the ATTRA blog highlights techniques, how-tos, insight, success stories, and much more in support of sustainable agriculture.

Giving Your Products Meaning

By Daniel Prial, NCAT Community Food Specialist It’s Not…
Terrapin Farm Tractor

The Sequel is Better: CFAP2 is Available Now

By Jeff Schahczenski, NCAT Agricultural and Natural Resource…

Beekeeping Basics: Making Splits

Back in the day, I learned beekeeping at Prairie View A&M University Greenhouse where I started their apiary. Cecil Fry, one of the university’s electricians, started me off and even gave me a hive. With his training as a launch pad, we trained agriculture students and local producers how to be beekeepers.
By Justin Duncan, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist

How Farmers and Ranchers Can Find Recovery Assistance and Plan for Resilience

By Ann Baier, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Instead…
honey bee on clover blossomUSDA photo by Lance Cheung

Late Summer on an Ozark Farm

As we round the corner from summer into fall, I always like to look back and assess how we did on our farm during the busy summer months. We did not suffer a bad drought this summer, though it was touch and go for a few weeks in July. We had to feed hay for about ten days to make sure we didn’t graze the grass too short, but it wasn’t as dire as it has been some years.
By Nina Prater, NCAT Agriculture Specialist
A hoophouse

Helping a Neighbor—and helping NCAT, too

I've spent most of my life working in large-scale crop production. Through this work, I've developed a passion for growing food and feeding people, which feels even more important right now, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
By Andrew Coggins, NCAT Rocky Mountain West Regional Director

Mississippi Food Justice Collaborative: Transforming Mississippi Food Systems

Food culture is very rich here in Mississippi. No matter where your adventures lead you, food will navigate you across the state to people, culture, landmarks, history, and all of the things that I feel make The Magnolia State so great.
By Asha Tillman, NCAT Agriculture Specialist and Co-Coordinator of the MS Food Systems Fellowship
Ann Baier

Processing Poultry Meat for Sale: The Right Approach for Your Farm?

Beginning poultry producers commonly ask How do I navigate poultry processing regulations for selling poultry meat? or Does it make more sense to process my broilers on-farm or to take them to a processing facility?
By Ann Baier, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist
farmer walking away in field

Weekly Wednesday Workshop: Intellectual Property

Felicia Bell, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist at the…