Episode 247. She’s Raising Sheep: Montana Shepherd Becky Weed

This episode of Voices from the Field continues ATTRA’s podcast series on women shepherds, “She’s Raising Sheep.” Becky Weed talks with NCAT Regenerative Grazing Specialist Linda Poole about the role of sheep in “farming as if nature matters.” Becky and her husband Dave Tyler run 80 crossbred long-wool ewes in Montana’s Gallatin Valley, at 13 Mile Lamb and Wool Company. It’s a spectacular setting where shepherds face daunting challenges from large predators as well as from exurban development. Becky shares her path of learning from mistakes and through careful observation. Don’t miss Becky’s story of Max, a livestock guardian dog who dances with fawns! Becky says “adaptability is the name of the game” in helping her flock, land, business, and community prosper in times of unprecedented change.


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Contact Linda Poole via email at lindap@ncat.org.

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