Episode 301. Learning from the Amskapi Piikani — Latrice Tatsey on Soils, Climate, and Culture, Part 2

This episode of Voices from the Field is the second half of a conversation between Latrice Tatsey, a soil scientist, cultural science lead, and intern supervisor for the Piikani Lodge Health Institute of the Blackfeet Nation and NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Linda Poole.

Latrice focuses in this episode on the management practices her research has suggested and how she measures their success. You will find the link to the first half of the conversation in the notes below.

A rancher herself on the spectacular Rocky Mountain Front of Montana, Latrice — whose Piikani name is Buffalo Stone Woman — works with cattle and bison producers to improve the health of the land, the water, and the people where her relatives have lived since time immemorial.

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Contact Linda Poole at lindap@ncat.org.

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