Tag Archive for: Equipment

Seeding Root Crops
By Audrey Kolde, NCAT Agriculture Specialist
As a nongenerational…

Episode 350. Mid-Scale Biodigester with Matt Steiman of Dickinson College
In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Northeast Coordinator…

Adopting Water-Smart Practices in the Rio Grande Valley
By Katelyn Amador, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Episode 333. Draft Animals 101
For centuries, draft animals were the premier power source for…

Regenerating Damaged Soils on an Urban Farm
In this video, we head to Garcia Street Farm, an urban farm in…

Episode 302. Using Demonstration Farms as a Model
This episode of Voices from the Field is a conversation with…

Financing an Organic Farm with Federal Programs
Starting a farm can be tough, especially if you don't have cash…

Episode 229. Encontrando tierra para trabajar. Seis maneras de asegurar tierra agrícola
En este episodio de Voces del Campo, Martin Guerena, especialista…

Episode 192. Electric Fencing 101. Part 2
In this episode of Voices from the Field, Nina Prater, a sustainable…

Episode 191. Electric Fencing 101. Part 1
In this episode of Voices from the Field, Nina Prater, a sustainable…